Dear Mr Oskar Deutsch,
I met Beth Alexander several years ago at a Sukkot event here in London, however I knew about her story several years prior to meeting her. We met whilst celebrating a holiday dedicated to the concept of joy and happiness, whilst Beth has been experiencing the complete opposite. However, her personality and warmth, and becoming my friend, added to my own personal joy and happiness, which is a testament to the person she is, and I am blessed to have her presence in my life.
I had recently shared on my social media that I had been hospitalised with a serious life threatening condition. Despite the stress and heartbreak Beth is going through, and has done so for many years, she was one of the first to check in on me and to wish me well. She put her friend (me) above herself. She is the true definition of an Eshet Chayil, a Tzedakes and indeed has maternal instincts towards her own children and her friends. Depriving her children of her warm and generous nature is a grave error and is hugely detrimental to their development.
As Samuel and Benjamin approach their bar mitzvah, their friends will be experiencing their learning of their Torah portions, and organising their parties, with both their mothers and fathers. It cannot be easy for these two boys to approach manhood without the woman who gave birth to them and showered them with love, by their side for this huge milestone in their lives.
Parental alienation is a form of child abuse, and will shape the way that a child deals with relationships and their own parenthood, once they have their own children. As Samuel and Benjamin approach their teens, and adulthood, being deprived of the love and bonds with their mother will undoubtedly have a detrimental effect, and this can become a vicious cycle.
I urge you, in your position, to break this cycle of parental alienation, and to use your position to ensure that Samuel and Benjamin are reunited with their kind, warm, compassionate and loving mother, Beth Alexander. That you assist in allowing these two beautiful boys to flourish into well developed young men, who will treat their future partners and children with the same love that Beth instils upon her own children and community. Please ensure that you do the right thing for these two special children, and put an end to the abuse that they have been forced to endure against their will. Samuel and Benjamin deserve to live like their friends and deserve to have their mother by their side as they enter the new chapters in their lives- please help to write the chapters with a happy ending.
Yours sincerely,
Natasha Field Levene
#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons