Dear Herr. Deutsch,
Whilst we don’t know each other, we have something in common: the well-being of Benji and Sammy Schlesinger. However, it seems that our thoughts and actions and diametrically opposed.
It is important to note that I don’t personally know Beth Alexander and therefore my comments are of an objective nature. Nevertheless, as a father of three kids myself, I can say unquestionably that a mother’s love and involvement in the upbringing of her children is fundamental; of paramount importance in their lives.
The Jewish Austrian Community, led currently by you, has been for the last ten (10) years and continues to be complicit of an unforgivable crime (actively or passively) in denying Beth Alexander the inalienable right to bring up her children. This is simply unforgivable.
It is the Viennese and wider Jewish Austrian Community’s responsibility to be assisting (in any way) Beth Alexander in obtaining the right to bring up her children without the need social workers and the so called ‘unbiased‘ Austrian judiciary’s involvement.
Whilst the blame doesn’t solely rest of the shoulders of the Austrian Jewish Community, it is guilty by association in allow this crime to be perpetrated.
Indeed, a large amount of blame and guilt stands firmly at the door of this so-called ‘Judge’ Gottlicher who has actively allowed this abomination to continue for so long! Rest assured, the wider international community is now focused on correcting this wrong. Judges need to be leading by example and not be above the law!
Judge Gottlicher‘s actions will face the weight of her profession and the wider world in actively assisting in the heinous crime!
My great uncle remembers seeing the Jewish Community frogmarched out of Vienna by the Nazis. He luckily managed to escape the plight of the majority of the Jewish Community in 1938 when we were able to resettle in London.
The Austrian Jewish Community should know only too well how xenophobic actions can destroy a community.
By your personal and Community’s actions, or should I say inaction, you and a large part of your Community are perpetrating a similar xenophobic crime by ostracising and assisting in the separation of a community in this case Beth and her two boys.
The Viennese Jewish community for the most part is acting as ‘silent bystanders’ in doing nothing!
Herr Deutsch - this is your time both personally and as the Austrian Jewish Community leader to do wherever is necessary to bring this matter, this crime, to an abrupt end in allowing first and foremost Beth Alexander the right, without preconditions, to see her children and bring them up in a loving environment.
I have two (2) questions for you Herr Deutsch.
1) The Truth Will Come Out: The twins are almost 13 years old. In only five (5) years time they will be legally adults and no doubt very inquisitive as to where their mother has been for all these years!
Facts are fact and cannot be whitewashed when coming from so many independent sources.
We know that you have received thousands of emails and probably see the videos, blogs and newspaper articles regarding this matter both locally and globally. Whilst the boys are currently young, they cannot have access to these sources and are emotionally immature to handle this information even if they could. However, as they get older and are able to do so, they will clearly see that their loving mother, Beth Alexander, has tried to do everything in her power to see her boys and conversely see how their father Mr. Michael Schlesinger has done everything in his power (legally or not) to stop this from happening!
What will you do when the boys confront you in a few years, which they will! What will you answer them? “I did everything in my power to help or I sat on my hands and did nothing”.
2) What would you do if you were in Beth Alexander’s shoes: Herr Deutsch - what would you do in the same situation? Would you do everything in your power to gain access to your children if the same crime was perpetuated against you. How can you look in the mirror on a daily basis and not think that you, as the Leader of the Jewish Austrian Community, in a position of influence and power is not helping a loving mother gain access to her blood / her boys!
The Jewish Community in Austria is very much in the limelight! The entire Jewish world is looking at you and waiting to see what your next steps will be: either one of leadership; of doing the right thing or continuing to do what has been until now - nothing! Rest assured people will not stop until Beth Alexander AND her boys Benji and Sammy have been reunited.
You and the Viennese Jewish Community need to ACT NOW!
Nicky Stone