Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Agudath Israel on Immigration Family Separation Policy

Below is a blog post from Agudath Israel of America, in response to the recent US actions in separating children and parents of those entering the country possibly illegally. Taken out of context, these words look like they are sensitive to humanitarian suffering, noting the same persecution suffered by Jewish people over the ages.

However, despite the international media coverage of the Schlesinger twins (examples here and here), no chareidi spokesperson has ever voiced their concern regarding the forced separation from their mother under inexplicable and incomprehensible rulings, possibly due to outside influences. Neither does this author make any mention of the many custody cases where the full might of the community stands behind one parent with the sole intention of cutting off the other parent as much as possible. Often, the methods used are questionable to say the least.

The tragic case of Deb Tambor
Chareidi custody cases fundraising
Etty Ausch loses custody
Leaving the Chareidi community

More examples here, here, here and here.

Chabad Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky

This isn't the first time senior Rabbis have pretended they are caring individuals whilst presiding over the very persecution they are protesting against. Most notably, Chabad Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky who urged his Shluchim to "never fail to hear the cry of a child" subsequenty ignored over 1000 emails alerting him to the Chabad involvement in the Schlesinger case. Even more curiously, Chabad leaders don't even regard Rabbi Schneerson's teachings as particularly important or relevant.

Meanwhile, President Trump has reversed the policy in question. Are the Agudath Israel going to follow suit?

As published here and here.

Agudath Israel on Immigration Family Separation Policy

Agudath Israel of America expresses its deep concern and disappointment over the recently adopted policy of separating the members of families who have entered the United States illegally. It is a practice that has caused, and will continue to cause, profound suffering and pain to both parents and children.  We implore that the policy be immediately rescinded, and that affected families be reunited.

The problem of illegal immigration is a serious one, and we support reasonable efforts by the administration and legislature to effectively stem the flow of would-be immigrants who have not been accepted through the legal immigration system.

But the United States, a shining beacon of freedom in the world, must always exhibit humanity and compassion in its laws and policies.  Seeking to enforce our statutes does not relieve us of this moral obligation. The extreme anguish, fear and trauma born of separating undocumented immigrant family members, which is particularly harmful to children, deeply offend our highest values. It is wrong and unjustifiable.

As Jews, we find this practice particularly loathsome. For millennia, Jews in the diaspora have suffered many forms of persecution, including — among the most tragic — the forced breakup of our families. It is a punishment that neither parents nor children should ever have to endure.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Vienna - State of Deception: The Power of Propaganda

Here is an event being advertised within the Jewish community of Vienna: http://www.unis.unvienna.org/pdf/2017/Holocaust_Commemorative_Ceremony_27_January_2017.pdf

The breathtaking hypocrisy from the Jewish Community in Vienna is once again laid bare for all to see. Whilst they host an event to criticise the deception of Nazi propoganda, they brazenly promote their fake message of intolerance towards domestic abuse, yet at the same time, collectively orchestrate the communal abuse of two innocent children and their mother.

It is important to note that the purpose of this blogpost is not to make any comparisons to the terrible suffering during the holocaust, but to point out that these commemoration events in Vienna are insincere, as the Jewish community in Vienna continue to deliberately and voluntarily organise the persecution of innocent Jews themselves.

Poster reproduced below.

On the occasion of the

International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust

The Permanent Mission of Israel to the United Nations (Vienna) and the United Nations
 Information Service (UNIS) Vienna

cordially invite you to attend a commemorative ceremony and the opening of the exhibition 
“State of Deception: The Power of Nazi Propaganda”

Date: Friday, 27 January 2017
Time: 12:00 noon
Place: Vienna International Centre (VIC) - Rotunda

With remarks by

 Director-General of the United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV) and Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) H.E. Mr. Yury Fedotov

Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations (Vienna) H.E. Ambassador Talya Lador-Fresher

The ceremony will also include a prayer by Rabbi Schlomo Elieser Hofmeister and musical performances by the Jehuda Halevi Music School Choir and the Israeli artist Ofer Canetti.

The poster exhibition “State of Deception: The Power of Nazi Propaganda” was produced by the Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme in cooperation with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and examines how the Nazis used propaganda to win broad voter support in Germany’s young democracy.


After the commemorative ceremony you are cordially invited to attend a film screening of the documentary

“Shalom Italia”

(by Tamar Tal, Israel/Germany 2016, 71 min, Original version with English subtitles)

Date / Time: Friday, 27 January 2017, 1 p.m. 
Place: VIC, UNIS Vienna Cinema Room, G0575 

The film screening is organised by UNIS Vienna in cooperation with the Permanent Mission of Israel to the United Nations (Vienna), the Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations (Vienna)

If you do not have a VIC pass, please send the following details (title (Mr./Ms.), full name, date of birth, number of ID or passport, country of issuing) by 20 January 2017 to the following
email: dcm-assistant1@vienna.mfa.gov.il 

Please note that prior registration and a valid photo ID are required to gain access to the VIC.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Time to ban Mr Schlesinger from Synagogue

Mr Michael Schlesinger
Here are emails from two independent Chabad Rabbis banning Meir Kin from entering their Shuls because he has refused to give his wife a "Get" (Jewish divorce) for the last 10 years. Without going into the case of Meir Kin (this topic is beyond the scope of this blog although much has been written about it online), we see that there are situations where Chabad Rabbis can and do ban people who they feel are behaving in an unsuitable manner. Once the behaviour is corrected, they are allowed back into their Shul.

The question remains, why doesn't Rabbi Biderman ban Mr Schlesinger from his Chabad Shul in Vienna? Why is Mr Schlesinger regularly given aliyot (communal honors) in Biderman's Shul? Why isn't the rest of the Jewish community in Vienna also banning him from their Shuls?

As published here.

From: Shmuel Attal
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2014 5:47 PM
To: israkin@hotmail.com
Subject: Confidential only for Israel kin

Due to your present situation,
I would just like to clarify that you are not welcome at our Shul until:

You sign a notarized letter that you are willing, and accept to go to a Beit Din ( besides Rabbi Gestetner/Rabbi Abrahams) to discuss the get with your ex wife.

I don't want to be Mebaysh Pene Chavero Berabim, and this is why I did not ask you to leave the Shul last night, but from today if you come either by yourself, or with others, during weekday, Shabbat or Yom Tov, I will have no other choice but to ask you to leave the Shul.

Rabbi Attal

From: Chabadofsummerlin
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2014 11:44 PM
To: israel kin
Subject: Confidential - for Isreal Meir Kin
Dear Isreal Meir,

Due to the fact that you have entered a new marriage without giving a universally recognized Get, you are no longer welcome in Chabad ofSummerlin and may not attend. I have heard your side of the story and the unfortunate situations that you endured, yet Torah dictates the necessity of a bringing disputes to a proper Beis Din. Once you resolve this issue with a reputable and recognized Beis Din in both Isreal and the US we will be happy to have you back.

Wishing you Haztloch to overcome your obstacles and do what is proper in the eyes of HaShem and in the eyes of man.

Sincerely ,
Rabbi Yisroel Schanowitz


Here is another article that clearly states "The Viennese community has declared Lauder, a former U.S. ambassador to Austria, persona non grata."


Ronald Lauder, a former U.S. ambassador
to Austria, declared persona non grata in Vienna.

Where is Mr Schlesinger's communal ban? Isn't it time he had one?