Saturday, September 19, 2015

Australian rabbis support letter for Beth: The world wide protest against Michael Schlesinger grows stronger

As published on the Daas Torah blog.

8 September 2015

To whom it may concern,

I have read through the various pieces of information regarding Beth Alexander’s case and stand with Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth, and my colleagues in Australia;

Rabbi James Kennard, Principal - Mount Scopus Memorial College
Rabbi Ralph Genende, Rabbi - Caufield Hebrew Congregation
Rabbi Daniel Rabin, Rabbi - North Eastern Jewish Centre
Rabbi Shmuel Karnowsky, Rabbi - Elwood Shule
Rabbi Yaakov Glassman, Rabbi - St Kilda Hebrew Congregation
Rabbi Ian Goodhardt, Rabbi - Blake Street Hebrew Congregation

I join numerous colleagues worldwide, and hope that we see a positive resolution to this conflict as speedily as possible,

May Beth, her family, and all of her supporters have a kesiva v’chasima tova, be written and sealed for good,

And may all the Jewish people know only besorot tovot,

Shanah tova,

Rabbi Alon Meltzer
ACT Jewish Community Inc.

Rabbi Alon Meltzer with Chief Rabbi Mirvis at the bottom right

Chabad Rabbi Daniel Rabin

Rabbi Ilan Goodhardt

Rabbi James Kennard

Rabbi Ralph Genende

Chabad Rabbi Shmuel Karnowsky standing with Chief Rabbi Mirvis

Chabad Rabbi Yaakov Glassman