The Jewish community of Vienna launches a campaign against violence in the family

This article appears in the Jüdische Allgemeine and can be downloaded in PDF format here.

Approximate  translation (google translate):

Shame, guilt, pain

The Jewish community of Vienna launches a campaign against violence in the family
07.01.2010 - by Alexia Weiss Alexia Weiss

Shake up, taboos, talk about it: The wish the organizers of the campaign "Shalom Bait - life without violence in the family." For nearly 16 years, there are in Vienna, the psychosocial center ESRA, since it is also confronted with violence in families, told Gerda Netopil, head of the "Social Work" at ESRA. Concrete numbers they will not name, but stressed: "It is a theme" From studies we know that violence in all walks of life, at any age, regardless of religious and vorkomme world or ethnicity..

It is important not to look away, to talk about it, to make the issue public, says psychotherapist Berta Pixner, chairman of the Women's Commission in the Jewish Community (IKG) Vienna. "Yes, it is a topic that is not pleasant. But it's important that we get away from shame and guilt. "Now designed to offer those help schwertun to accept the existing offers of ESRA (advice on social and legal issues, psychosocial diagnosis, social work, psychotherapy).

With an anonymous telephone counseling, in the "women with women speak," so Netopil, rich to those affected hand, who fear of being excluded from the community, if they admit that there is a problem in their family. International studies conclude that every third to fifth woman is affected in their lives from violence in the family. Studies on the situation in Jewish families admit it so far only in the US, emphasized Netopil. Their tenor loud: violence FIND well instead, only "women from religious families wait much longer to ask for help," Why be so.? "Because the image of the Jewish family is so strong," says Netopil.

Heal Family This image radiates outward. "Some time ago I was a man called and told me, in his marriage, there are problems," told the Vienna Chief Rabbi Paul Chaim Eisenberg at the opening event of Shalom Bait few weeks ago. The family name had sounded him not familiar, and so asked Eisenberg, whether the person concerned was a member of the Jewish Community. The man said no and said he was Catholic. "But why do not you consult a priest," Eisenberg had asked him. The man replied: "Who understands nothing of marriage."

At Rabbi contact repeatedly couples, if there are problems, "and here and there there are also distinctions," says Eisenberg. "But of course it is the task of the rabbi, to try to avoid a divorce and to work towards Shlom Bait. But if you know that there is violence in the family, then it would be an exaggeration to work towards Shlom Bait. Then you have to help. "

In Israel there are already for some time, similar initiatives, the chief rabbi, his wife Annette Eisenberg brought the campaign in Vienna rolling. In the community center of the rabbis carried a text from a brochure before that is aimed primarily at religious women in Israel: "I must", thus leading to the translated title of the article, the women aware of what is okay, what limits are not exceeded allowed. "I must ask that you me honorably treated (with Kavod)," they wrote about, or "It's allowed me not to mention" and "I must ask for help, I may accept help."

accept social emergency aid: The initiators hope that as many sufferers do this in time. In order to actually reach all potential victims of violence, information was printed on the initiative in the community newspaper in Russian language. Of course, reinforcing financial pressures and a social emergency domestic violence, Netopil points out. "And migration is a factor that is distressing."

Accept help, which also means to protect themselves and their children from consequential damages. Because, as David Vyssoki, medical director of ESRA "makes violence sick," Post-traumatic stress disorder to complex post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and sleep disorders, depression up to the risk of suicide, chronic pain, eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia. So could an impact force against which one does not fight back. In children, violence has disastrous consequences for the development. Another reason why women should as quickly as possible to get help.

Act of violence - apology and forgiveness - tension and conflict - violence action" Vyssoki outlines the usual cycle. "This circuit is necessary to break through." But for that you need help from outside.

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