Sunday, February 13, 2022


Who wins, and what is the prize...?

Oh virtuous one - it says that G-d weep’s when a divorce takes place - can you imagine G-d’s pain when the bond of a child and parent is unnecessarily broken.

We know life is fraught with inevitable sadness and tragedy, mostly natural, some absolutely tragic, but the most heart wrenching pain, the impossible to witness never mind bare, is the unnecessary pain brought about by human malevolence, by pure unbridled evil. Hence the unyielding and only growing support for Beth and her twins.

Sadly there are orphans, childless - but here Beth and her son’s are neither - only wrenched apart by short sited arrogance.

In the Torah (who you claim to represent) When it talks of the populous bringing sacrifices for sin it says ‘if’ - but by a leader it states ‘when’ - know this is a sin for which you as a leader bare or at least share in the underlying responsibility.

We learn that when a body is found outside of a city - the elders of the city are commanded to come out to the burial place and pronounce that this death was not of ‘my doing’. Surely this obvious? However they do so, as being the elders, the leaders, any tragedy that occurs under their watch is their responsibility, and they must therefore take heed and pronounce that nothing they did or did not do caused disenfranchisement and therefore a soul to be lost.

You are the leader are you not? This is an ongoing tragedy happening under your watch. Shame on you.

G-d is watching you - we are watching you - we wont stop watching you. Hiding behind a manipulated court decision may serve you today, however in time you will have to answer to our creator for this transgression. Think about that long and hard, think of that in the reflection of the 10s of thousands of people telling you this is a sin. Fix it, for one day there will be no hiding place, no delete button, no smugness.

Beth and her children (and 10s of thousands of raw dumbfounded people/witnesses) are on human time, and are waiting for you to do what you know is right, what you know is natural, and what you know ultimately must be done.

Looking forward to hearing that Beth and her children are together, and this tragic and  disgraceful chapter is well and truly over.

I ask you again, who is the the winner in all this and what is the prize? - the answer in case you are wondering - is no one! Only losses, only pain all round. JUST STOP IT!...STOP IT NOW!

#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons


Dear Mr Deutsch,

By way of introduction, I am a female Jewish lawyer and mother from London, and have been following the experience of Beth Alexander (Schlesinger) for some years.

Beth and I were at Cambridge University together around 2004-2006. We lost touch after we no longer studied in the same place once we had finished our studies. However, the lasting impression that Beth leaves - as kind, nurturing and thoughtful - is one which I know is shared by many others who have known or met Beth.

I have been deeply saddened and horrified to learn of Beth’s and her sons’ experiences of being forcibly separated from each other, and the apparent complicity of the Vienna Jewish Community in this horrific miscarriage of justice.

I rarely invoke the memory of my grandfather (z’l) who escaped from Vienna on Kindertransport in the 1930s. He was a man with tremendous compassion and righteousness. He knew the importance of a mother's love, that having been so cruelly snatched from him at such a young age. He would be appalled to know that the community where he was a child could allow and even perpetuate such an unjust and cruel situation robbing two little boys of their mother's care and love.

As Jews, we are obliged not to turn a blind eye to such miscarriages of justice, and even more so when they happen with our own community. It is our ethical and religious duty to seek justice, and where we are in positions of power to ensure that we use those positions wisely, with courage, and with humanity.

I implore you not to continue on this path of dissociation from the case. I implore you to find strength and courage to use your power and influence wisely to seek justice for these poor little boys, who should never have been deprived of their mother. In your hands, you have the ability and duty to do everything within your power change this situation. Please do not squander or close your eyes to your responsibility.

The Jewish community and beyond are watching and waiting...

Jenni Woolf

#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons

Friday, February 11, 2022


Shabbat Shalom Herr Deutsch.

Another Shabbat for Beth Alexander without her darling boys.

Another Shabbat praying over the candles for their return.

Another Shabbat without the nachas of hearing them, seeing them, hugging them and kissing them.

As you go into another Shabbat think of this heartbroken Mother and the children who were torn apart in a cruel and merciless way. A Gutte Shabbos Herr and Frau Deutsch. You can help if you are prepared to show rachmones for a Gutte Mutter and those kinder.

Gloria Levene

#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons


Dear Mr Ronald Lauder,

Thank you so much for all the support you have shown Jewish communities in Israel and around the world. We are indeed very grateful.

But there is very sadly one area in which you could have helped and have not.

Mr Lauder I love Art, just like you do, or maybe not exactly like you do. For starters, I don't have millions of dollars at my disposal to buy great Art. There is a very famous painting you bought for 135 million dollars. Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I (also called The Lady in Gold or The Woman in Gold) a painting by Gustav Klimt, completed between 1903 and 1907. The painting was stolen by the Nazis, and after a legal battle of approximately 7 years it was returned to a niece, Maria Altmann  of the Bloch Bauer family. I have always believed passionately that love of art and creativity makes us better people Mr Lauder.

I believe one of the true functions of Art, is that it asks questions of us, that it challenges us to question our role in life and our relationship with others. That it's NOT just a financial investment.

I am happy you have the painting, of course I am, it should never have been stolen by the Nazis and hanging in a gallery in Vienna either. Beth's boys should never have been stolen from her!!

Wikipedia describes you Mr Lauder as a Businessman and Art Collector.

Yet you ignored the cries, Sir, of Beth Alexander when she appealed, indeed begged for your help to get her boys Samuel and Benjamin returned to her, who go to a Chabad School in Vienna which bears your name!

Why did you refuse to help her?

True they're not paintings. They're 2 Jewish souls whose minds have been poisoned and institutionalised.

You bought the painting for 135million dollars!! A Mother's love is priceless and worth 100 fold of Gustav Klimts!!

How about adding to Businessman and Art Collector? Humanitarian?

Thank you.

I look forward to your response.

Steven J Selig.

#openletterstolauder #reunitingbethwithhersons







Dear Herr Deutsch,

I have been following Beth Alexander's story for years. I don't know her personally,  but this truly tugs at my heartstrings. How can it not???

This is a tragic story of how a corrupt system is keeping two boys away from their completely competent, loving and stable mother. The potential, irreparable damage it is doing to the boys,  allowing them to be “raised” in, by what all accounts seems to be an unsuitable, even harmful environment is sickening to say the least. Even more appalling is the fact that the Jewish community,  your Jewish community, has allowed this travesty of justice to go on for so long.

All your talk about “the well-being of their children has been mine and the community's primary concern” and how “many members of this community not only expressed their solidarity with Beth but supported her actively on many occasions” isn't worth the price of the internet you used to send out this self-serving form letter. It's simply a bunch of meaningless words you strung together to try and deceive the world into believing what a caring and supporting community you are.

But hear this HERR DEUTSCH, in no unwavering terms,  we are not deceived, we are not placated, and we are not backing down. We actually stand behind the words we write. We support Beth and her family, and will continue to support her until she is justly reunited with her precious boys.

Herr Deutsch, it is not too late for you and your community. Now is the time to do the right thing. Show the world that your words have merit. Use your power and influence to reunite Beth with her sons.

The world's eyes are on you, now. Right this wrong, before it is too late. Restore our faith in humanity, in your humanity. Reunite Beth with her beloved children and give us all something to smile about in this joyful month of Adar.

Best regards,

Hadassah Lipstein
Jerusalem, ISRAEL

#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons


Dear Mr Deutsch,

I write with regard to the tragic and highly unjust situation concerning Beth Alexander and her sons, Samuel and Benjamin.

While I don't know Beth personally, I live in the North Manchester community where she grew up and we share a great many friends.

Beth's plight defies all understanding and those who have come to learn of her story over the last decade cannot fail to be moved by it, be they those closest to her, those who know her merely by association, or indeed those who simply know of her situation and who display empathy.

One thing that has struck me as quite extraordinary is the hope that Beth has continued to cling onto in her fight to become reunited with her children, given the distress that she has had to endure of, at least to me, unfathomable magnitude.  Perhaps this might stand to reason if the ultimate goal is the reunification with something so dear as one's own children, but in any case, it seems to serve as a true testament to the power of the human spirit in the face of such adversity.

Much as Beth's own spirit is here exposed, it would be becoming of yourself right now to tap into the powers of your own human spirit, and as such, I, along with so many others, implore you to reach out (or rather within) to your sense of integrity and use your position of authority and influence as the president of the Viennese Jewish community to bring about the real change for the better that is so shockingly overdue.

Put quite simply, action must be taken and injustice must not prevail.

With kind regards.

Jonathan Sherbourne
Manchester, UK

#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Open Letter To Oskar Deutsch : WE WILL NOT STAND SILENT

Dear Mr Deutsch,

10 long years have I watched from the sidelines.

10 long years have I cried tears for Beth and Sami and Benji.

10 long years has the rabbis and heads of your Jewish community been part of my everyday Life.

10 long years have I shockingly watched Beths fight for justice deteriorate.

10 long years have I watched the world waking up and joining in the fight for Beth and her kids.


I don’t know Beth.

I’ve never been to Vienna.

I live in Australia.

I don't know anyone personally involved in this case or support group.


I know injustice.

I smell corruption.

I know a mothers love for her kids and the instinctual and undying willingness to never give up fighting for them.

I know that Beth is a successful, kind, competent woman and a respected professional.

I know that Sami and Benji have a beautiful uncle and grandparents and cousins waiting with so much love to give the boys.


Loving an Austrian Jewish man with all her heart.

Being naïve and believing the ongoing lies , dismissals and false promises of your community.

Being honest and speaking her Truth.

For years Michael, you, Mr Deutsch and your community have as a group in a very deafeningly silent, malicious and calculated way attempted to destroy Beth’s Spirit hoping she would just crumble and disappear.


Beth is still standing strong, continuing to fight for her boys with a growing army of compassionate supporters from around the globe


Don’t try and placate your community by saying that we, 6000 of us and growing daily, are all mentally unstable like you have labelled Beth.

Many of us are  professionals, community members and live all over the world achieving incredible things.







please release me from another 10 years of heartache and pain so that I can use this precious time to serve the global community to assist with hunger, poverty and things out of our control instead of doing your job for you.

Beth is a loving , willing capable mother.




You are unknowingly harming the future of your children and grandchildren because believe me...none of us will ever allow our kids to marry into your community let alone allow them to relocate to live with the Jews of Vienna.




Ev Meyer

#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons

Open Letter To Oskar Deutsch : ENOUGH EXCUSES - TIME FOR ACTION

#reunitingbethwithhersons #openletterstodeutsch #helpbeth

[This is the first time EVER that I have got involved in a campaign like this. I usually persuade myself that my contribution is marginal, others will be more influential, it will be resolved without me. But I was so completely shocked and distraught when I heard that Beth is still separated from her dear boys that I felt compelled to act, to do my best. I first heard about Beth's plight 10 years ago while we were in Cambridge and friends with her brother and sister in law. I was devastated for her then. But to think that this situation has been ongoing for a decade is unbearable. I call on whoever can to join the facebook group, show support, show that you care and that this issue will not be dropped.]

Dear Mr. Deutsch,

I read with surprise and disappointment your letter to Rabbi Mirvis about Beth Alexander and your claimed inability to help a mother be reunited with her children in a meaningful way.

How can a communal leader in the 21st century stand aside and sincerely argue that abuse is an internal family affair? It's very clear in Jewish law that a recalcitrant man can be pressured by the community into giving a get, even with quite physical measures. How is this different? Whether or not it's Beth's ex-husband that needs to physically pick up the phone to initiate a change in custody arrangements, your community is in a unique position to influence his actions and therefore bears responsibility. 

Responsibility for Beth's pain and anguish at not being able to nurture and love her sons and have a relationship with them.

Responsibility for the gaping hole in the boys' lives that their mother and maternal grandparents and extended family could have had.

Responsibility for colluding with the corruption and injustice clearly meted out by the Austrian legal system in this case.

Responsibility for the Hillul Hashem you bring upon your community with your acquiescence to this man's ongoing punishment of his ex wife and abuse of his children (all the luxuries in the world cannot compensate for a mother's love).

There are moments when leaders have the opportunity to really prove themselves. Perhaps for this moment you were placed in this position. 

For the sake of two dear boys, of one mother; for the sake of justice and peace ; for the good name of the Vienna Jewish community, I beg you to intervene and apply appropriate pressure to ensure that Beth and her boys are reunited.

Enough excuses. Time for action

Sarah Mandel

#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons

Wednesday, February 9, 2022


Dear Mr Deutsch,

I’m writing to you to implore you, as the President of the Austrian Jewish Community, to intervene in any way you can to help reunite Beth Alexander with her sons Sammy and Benjy.

I’ve tried to write this letter to you quite a few times but I have always stopped in the middle. The reason is, I find myself speechless. There are no adequate words to describe the travesty that is happening right on your doorstep.

Beth is a loving, caring mother and it is an act of pure cruelty to deny her children the basic right to her love. With the huge milestone of their Bar Mitzvah approaching, the need to positively resolve this is even more urgent. Though, to be frank, the time they have missed together until now can never be regained and I am certain has already left it’s terrible mark. This is a milestone that must not be missed, but should not be confused with the need for the permanent presence of Beth in her sons’ lives.

I’m afraid that my words in this letter have not been articulate enough, but I rely on your basic sense of decency, to act immediately to help bring about a positive resolution to this tragic case.

Thank you for your time.


Mascha Sachs

#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons

Open Letter To Oskar Deutsch : PLEASE DON'T SIT BACK AND BE SILENT

Dear Mr Oskar Deutsch,

I write to you concerning the children of Beth Alexander, Sammy and Benji Schlesinger.

I am aware you have already been inundated with correspondence from many in our community, however I cannot sit back and not play my part to help Beth and her boys. Can you?

The hope is that the more and more correspondence you receive from caring friends, family, community and supporters, the more likely you too will not be able to sit back and let this continue to happen under your nose within your community.  

The hope is that you will have connections and influence both within the Jewish community and the wider Viennese judiciary to help reopen and investigate this case.

I have followed Beth’s journey for many years and was heartbroken when I read the most recent court outcome to restrict all access. I could not believe it could get any worse.

What I have read of this case shows that Beth was a victim of abuse, how in this day and age, in the 21st century can we allow this abuse to continue? How is the system allowing the use of children as a way for a partner to continue to control, alienate and abuse an ex-spouse?

It is simply abhorrent.

It is in turn child abuse.

Sammy and Benji are impacted more than their mother Beth herself.

The cycle needs to be broken before it is too late.

With the history of our people, how can we not have learnt that you cannot sit back and watch on when injustice is happening to those around you?

Where is the justification for the no contact and sole custody?  There does not seem to be any sound, evidence based reason for the judgements made over the years.  The case needs investigating and reopening by an impartial party that has had no prior involvement.

It appears the situation stemmed from an abusive and controlling husband trying to have his wife deemed mentally unstable.  This in itself heartbreaking and impossible to understand, even if Beth had been suffering from poor mental health (which was evidenced was not the case) this would be no reason to alienate children from a parent. 

Again how are we in the 21st century and this is still not known?

I cannot think about Sammy, Benji or Beth without feeling heartbroken.

As a mother, I cannot imagine the feeling of having my children taken from me.

As a child, I cannot imagine living without my mother in my life whilst she is still living.

We appeal to you, please take action and help reunite Beth with her sons.

Please don’t sit back and be silent.

Yours sincerely

Rachel Shababo
London, England

#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons


Dear Oskar,

As a mother of boys, I find Beth's forced alienation from Sammy and Benji, horrifying and sickening in equal measure.

Their Bar Mitzvah celebration is approaching - the Jewish coming-of-age. 

How are Sammy and Benji to fulfil the 5th commandment to "honour their mother"?

This is one of the fundamental positive mitzvot of Judaism – so crucial, that it is uniquely rewarded with "arichat yamim" translated as a long life, but which the Talmud (Kiddushin 39b) interprets as referring to the afterlife as well!

Let us agree to draw a line in the sand, put those lost years behind us and no longer deprive Beth's boys of a nurturing relationship with their loving mother…and a long life.

I trust you, as the leader of the Jewish community in Vienna, to take the initiative and use your influence to guide your friends and neighbors towards correcting this terrific injustice.

World Jewry is behind you – and eagerly awaits your plan of action.

Tell us what you need and we will support in any way we can.

Rivka Shindler Levy

#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons


Herr Deutsch,

I'm writing to join the chorus of voices calling for your help, to help give Beth Alexander what she so rightly deserves: the chance to be a mother to her two boys.

I can't claim to know all the details about the legal back-and-forths, but I have read enough about this terribly tragic case to know that Beth's rights have been unjustly taken away. There are probably various people and parties at fault for that, but I'm not even writing about that.

I'm writing as someone who knows exactly how a Jewish community works - whether it is in the US, UK, Israel, or Austria. There is no doubt that you yourself, as well as your friends and acquaintances, have the power to sway Michael Schlesinger, who has inexplicably been given the legal power to determine whether Beth gets to have contact with her sons.

Michael has shown that he is a cruel person, who is not only willing to punish his ex-wife, but also his own sons, by taking their mother away from them. You can make a communal decision to excommunicate and isolate Michael as a result of his actions. Make him understand that he will not be considered part of your community until he does the right thing for his children and their mother.
צדק צדק תרדוף...

It is high time the members of the Vienna Jewish community, with you at their helm, do all that is within your power to put an end to this miscarriage of justice, and instead choose to pursue justice.

I hope and pray you heed our collective call to partner with Chief Rabbi Mirvis and whoever else can be of help, to reunite Sammy and Benji with their mother, who has done more than anyone should have to do to prove her love and dedication to them. The eyes of the Jewish world are on your community. Please use this opportunity to show us your sympathy, empathy, and willingness to stand up for what is right.

Thank you.

Naomi Lipstein

#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons


Dear Herr Oskar Deutsch,

I have just watched a beautiful short video of Beth, with her 2 lovely boys and a couple who I assume are her Parents.

June 2014 on a boat,a sunny day, kids are happy and smiling. Beth is smiling and anyone with only half a brain and one good eye, can see straight away what a great Mother she is.

Herr Deutsch I'm going to digress a little. I grew up in Northern Ireland. I know people who suffered terribly during what we called "The Troubles."

Parents that had to bury their children.

Then I made Aliya in 1990.

Have you ever been to an Israeli Military Cemetery? It's a VERY sobering experience. It you see a grave of a young man who is 22 or 23 he is among the "older" ones! There are sadly many graves of 19 and 20 year olds, and even some 18 year olds. It's not a place for the faint of heart, you can not leave such a place and not be moved to tears. I can not imagine the pain a Parent goes through burying a child, I hope I never do. But I have a pretty good idea.

Herr Deutsch I don't know you, I don't know your family history I don't know your background. I'm a very empathic person Herr Deutsch, but I have my doubts about you. Sometimes I feel I need to take a step back and take a deep breath because I can sense that Beth is in great pain and it pains all her family and friends.

I have asked others to get involved and they have politely declined.

I try not to push too hard because you don't always know someone's history, and I understand if they find it too distressing to be involved. Thank Gd her sons are alive and well, ad 120.

But what Beth does need to bury is getting so emotionally drained by this, that she can't do her job or campaign effectively to get her boys back, or even have any decent life at all. All of that must be exhausting too, in order to have that sense of controlling your emotions and prevent yourself from falling apart. That takes tremendous strength and determination.

Have these thoughts ever crossed your mind Herr Deutsch? Austria is not so far away, but for Beth it must seem like her boys are on another planet. They're close, yet so far away from her outstretched arms.

We who support Beth are not going away.

Her group continues to grow and grow. The more it grows the louder we will get, and more and more questions will be asked, until one day Herr Deutsch someone on your side is going to trip up and come clean, and this will open a Pandora's Box which will stain your community for many many years.

Sadly when people hear the name Dunblane they think of the school children massacred there. For 30 plus years when people heard the name Belfast they thought only of The Troubles that I grew up in. If you don't help Beth reverse the absolutely disgusting and despicable punishment against her, Vienna will be known everywhere as the place where Beth Alexander was stitched up!

Carry on the way you are, when I say you I mean EVERYONE involved in Vienna who did this to Beth.
.... because that's where you're heading, like an out of control speedboat towards the rocks.

Do not underestimate our determination.

I hope you and your family are well.

Steven J Selig.

#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons

Monday, February 7, 2022


Dear Herr Oskar Deutsch,

Shavua tov. Thank you for your speedy response.

I found it interesting to read. I don't think the question is what the Austrian Jewish community did or didn't do to help Beth over the years, I think the question must be, what is the IKG and Viennese Jewish community doing now to help Sammy and Benji be reunited with their mother.

Mr. Schlesinger has been authorised by the courts to determine what contact the boys have with their mother, yet over the last five years he has authorised one sole visit!

Mr. Schlesinger's actions paint a black mark against the entire Austrian Jewish community. I fear that many, like me, would not be happy if their daughter married a Jewish Austrian and went to live in Austria because it feels like the IKG and the Jewish community does not have the newcomer's back if something Gd forbid goes wrong.

From where I am, it seems that you are not helping right the terrible wrong and are simply brushing it under the carpet. You as a community must encourage Michael to enter a binding contact agreement allowing Beth to be with her boys three or four days a week every week unsupervised, at the least. They have a lot of catching up to do and need to build up their relationships.

Beth coming to their bar mitzvah won't mean much if she doesn't have proper time with the boys in the months leading up to their big day, she'll just be a stranger attending their Simcha and it will Gd forbid lead to further alienation.

I am pleased that Mr. Deutsch has reached out to Rabbi Mirvis, it is an excellent start. Please let Rabbi Mirvis mediate a contact agreement between Beth and Michael. Sammy and Benji are entering their teenage years, they need now more than ever a real and strong relationship with their mother. The entire European Jewish world is looking at you to see how you fix this. You are the leadership of this community, if Michael isn't willing to act like a Mentsch on his own, you need to help him do it. Sammy and Benji desperately need their mother.

I look forward to hearing a positive resolution to the story very soon.

Naomi Kresh, Israel

#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons


To Oskar Deutsch and the jews of Vienna

G-d told Pharaoh "Shalach et ami." I say to you all, on behalf of Beth Alexander and her sons, "Shalach et bnii".

If you have any menschkeit in you, make sure Beth has contact with her sons and that she and her family attend their bar mitzvah.

Don't hide behind the corrupt family court or victim-blame Beth. It is not believable that you cannot make Michael Schlesinger cooperate.


Kay Lauer, (London)

#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons

Open Letter To Oskar Deutsch : DO NOT IGNORE HER TEARS

Dear Mr. Deutsch,

The Torah writes:

כא כָּל-אַלְמָנָה וְיָתוֹם, לֹא תְעַנּוּן.  כב אִם-עַנֵּה תְעַנֶּה, אֹתוֹ--כִּי אִם-צָעֹק יִצְעַק אֵלַי, שָׁמֹעַ אֶשְׁמַע צַעֲקָתוֹ.  כג וְחָרָה אַפִּי ...  שמות כב

G-d is exhorting us not to ignore the tears of those who are vulnerable and helpless. He promises that He will hear their pleas and that His anger will burn against those who ignore them.

Beth is helpless and pleading.

Do not ignore her tears.

Moshe Abelesz

#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons


Herr Deutsch,

I am writing to you as head of the Jewish community.

A terrible wrong has been exacted on Beth Alexander, a wrong where her children Sammy and Benji have been taken from her, through no fault of her own. A loving and nurturing mother who was threatened and bullied by her husband Michael Schlesinger. Court cases were held where judges were changed and the same judge presided, where independent psychiatric reports that proved there was nothing wrong with Ms Alexander were ignored, where Michael Schlesinger who abused Beth was given custody of Sammy and Benji, unbelievable.

Beth has been thwarted time and time again. Nobody in the Vienna Jewish community supported Beth, there was no one she could turn to. No one was interested in the truth of the matter. Again, unbelievable.

You know what? It hurts me. It hurts me and pains me that Beth, Sammy and Benji are in this undeserved and unwarranted position. It hurts me as if Beth is my daughter, and Sammy and Benji, my grandchildren. I haven't slept at night thinking of what I can do to help.

I am told a letter to you, Herr Deutsch, could help, and so, I am writing.

As head of the Jewish community, I realise that you like to support and help those members of it. However, a line has to be drawn where there are obvious wrongs that have been committed. It is not right to bury your head in the sand like an ostrich, or wear blinkers like a horse, and think that if you can't see it, the problem will disappear. It won't, not ever. What it will do is that it will grow until it envelopes the whole of Jewish Austria, and no Jewish community in the world will want anything to do with you ever.

For the sake of any worthwhile future that Sammy and Benji both deserve, and are to enjoy, they must be returned to the loving arms of their mother. I hate to even consider what type of a future they would have if this were not to take place.

Do you know Herr Deutsch what history has shown us. It has shown us that all men of stature who are remembered to this day, have stood apart from the rest of men, and achieved something that has affected many people or even the whole of mankind. For example, Moses, the leader of the Jewish people, the most humble of men, Aaron, a man of peace, Nachshon ben Aminadav, who was the first to step into the Red Sea, and, more recently, and closer to home, Sigmund Freud and Simon Wiesenthal.

It only takes one person to stand apart from the rest, and do what is right. It doesn't take money, it takes belief. Belief that you are doing something that is right for humanity as a whole. Do you know how I know this? I will tell you.

I knew a man who was related to my husband's family, who was a philanthropist. He had a great deal of money. He donated to all sorts of charities, and, as he had no children of his own left a will donating the bulk of his fortune to charity with a few bequests to relatives. I can't say that I knew him very well, just met him on family social occasions. I can't say that I liked him or disliked him. When he passed away, I went to his funeral. Let me tell you Herr Deutsch, it was the men of the Chevrah Kadishah who made up a Minyan of ten men for this funeral. I'm sure the charities and relatives who benefitted from his wealth, put the money to good use, but did anyone come to the funeral, even to show respect? no!

Many years later I was told a story about this man. How, during World War II, he was approached and asked to guarantee the passage of Jewish people out of Germany or Poland. He refused. He had a chance to make a difference, and he refused.

Let's hope and pray we are not like this man. That we step up when we are asked to make a difference. I am baring my soul and writing this letter to you Herr Deutsch.

What are you going to do?

Yours sincerely
Helena Orenstein

#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons



Dear Herr Oskar Deutsch,

I trust you're well and don't yet have a migraine from all the emails supporting Beth Alexander.

There is something I don't understand. You wrote  the following....

"Many members of our community tried to help her find solutions. Even years after the first court rulings many members of this community, officials as well as individuals, did not only express their solidarity with Beth but supported her actively on many occasions. This is still the case today."

How exactly were they supporting her?

1. Were they petitioning the court to have her restrictions lifted?
2. Were they demonstrating outside Dr Michael Schlesinger's work place?
3. Were they writing to him so he could see the errors of his ways?
4. Were they campaigning for Beth's sons to even speak to their Mother on the phone or video chat?

How EXACTLY were they helping Beth and her Sons?

It's wonderful to express support for her, but that's not enough, and goodness we know that. The group set up to help Beth is not just about expression of support, very welcome though it is. It is about taking real concrete steps to end this tragedy and reunite Beth with her 2 sons.

You wrote the support for her... "is still the case today."

So if that's true, assist us in the outcome we are looking for, otherwise it's just very hollow words indeed. My 95 year old Father has a saying which he uses when he is aware that something isn't quite right and looks very strange to him. "Should it be like that?"

With such support.....

Now is your chance to show her REAL support.

Have a good week Herr Deutsch fighting for Beth's and her Son's rights.

Thank you.

Steven J Selig.

#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons


Herr Deutsch,

Denial of truth is always a bad strategy and ends up making a fool out of anyone refusing to face hard cold facts.

All those involved in the cover up against Beth, including the legal system (or illegal system)  and Jewish community, need to get this, tick tock the time is running out.

The backlash has started now to expose what is hidden. There will be twists and turns, but the truth is marching on and will come out screaming headlines worldwide.

I have seen this type of situation explode here in Jerusalem, time after time after time, especially in the last few years. Those protected by extremely powerful ones, from Judge to Rabbi to powerful politicians, suddenly one day find themselves exposed to the world in all their ugly nakedness.

Those who live in denial because it is so cosy and safe and demands no hesbon nefesh, are in for a shock they will not recover from. Hashem will not be mocked, at His right time, He will reveal all the hidden secrets, the dirty tricks, those paid off by bribes, those turning the other eye, all will come out.

Beth's story shows the great awakening in front of our eyes. People are no longer fooled by the smooth slick words, the trust in institutions is shattered with each new horror story, the mighty are falling. Critical thinking as evidenced by so many of the comments here, is roaring back.

I am extremely impressed so see how many people see through the hype and lies and demand accountability and action. There is so much light coming down to open the once blinded eyes, and once opened there is no going back.

One thing I have learned is that DO NOT TRUST THE  EXPERTS. The real experts are the survivors of abuse and  injustice, those who have crawled back up and fight back, and never give up.

People, God gave us a marvellous functioning brain, think for yourselves, if the dots do not connect, if there is the smell of something just not right, dig dig dig until you find the truth.

The "Beth victory train" is hurtling down the tracks now and will not be stopped, it is going to be one hell of a ride, so buckle up.



Yours sincerely,

Ruth Cohen Harif

#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons


Saturday, February 5, 2022

Open Letter To Oskar Deutsch : I AM SO VERY SORRY

Herr Deutsch, PLEASE read this through to the end! I have written on your behalf..

Dear Beth,

My name is Oskar Deutsch. As you know, I am the president of the Jewish community here in Vienna where we pride ourselves in the welcoming, warm and loving values we believe are paramount to living a good Jewish life. I am passionate about the future of Austrian Jewry as you may realise from all of my previous endeavours to improve community life in Vienna.

I therefore write this letter to you, dear Beth, to express my profound regret, to openly bow my head in shame, at not having been in touch with you sooner. Words cannot convey how sincerely I wish I had not turned a blind eye to your plight until now. Finally, Baruch HaShem, I have awoken from this fear I had of dealing with your case. I have been shaken out of my stupor and seen sense. I now realise that we have been held hostage by certain members of the community who, contrary to false outward gestures of well-meaning and compassion for the Schlesinger twins, have in fact been manipulative and threatening for years, putting the true well-being of the children far far behind the vengeful alienation of yourself, a loving mother, in the list of priorities on their agendas.

I am so very sorry that I cannot return to you the years of mothering that were stolen so brutally from you. I am so very sorry that I cannot give you memories that you had every right to create with your young sons. I am so very sorry that your boys have missed a childhood of love that you clearly never stopped emitting, no matter how far apart you were from them. I am truly sorry that I was not brave enough to make a stand against corruption and injustice for you, all the while professing to stand against injustice for the Jews of Austria. Well, no more Beth Alexander.

I will use the power vested in me as the president of a Jewish kehillah, lead by example and fight for your side, the only true side that exists- unite a loving mother who has done no wrong, with her two deserving sons. You are to be commended for your strength throughout this ordeal, but especially, your grace and incredible capacity to forgo 'revenge' and bad-mouthing, despite the treatment you have received from those involved directly, and shamefully, those of us involved indirectly by our very loud silence. I do not believe I, or many members of our community, would have reacted in such a virtuous way.

I pledge to you today, my absolute support and determination in setting things right. I will not stop until I see you rightfully reunited without further delay. I am a man of integrity and values. I believe in family, I believe in good over evil, I believe I can help you.

Apologetically yours,

Oskar Deutsch

There, Mr Deutsch! I have done the hard part for you! That terribly embarrassing and pride-deflating moment of apology- it's over. Better late than never! All you need to do now is to copy and paste the letter and send it to Beth. It will take you seconds.

Whether or not you do this because you are compassionate or just because you want to be a hero, we don't care. Come on Mr Deutsch, you have an opportunity to be Beth's hero (and a hero for world Jewry) handed to you on a silver platter. Was it never your dream to be someone's saviour?

If we cannot appeal to your humanity, perhaps we can appeal to your ego. You could make history and have your name revered by helping right this wrong! Just send Beth the letter!

#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons


Dear Mr Deutsch, 

I am writing in regards to the ongoing case of Beth Alexander being separated from her twins, Sammy and Benjy. 

As a Speech and Language Therapist, over the years I have worked closely with children and their parents, both when they are young and, at the other end of the spectrum, when children are looking after their parents. As I’m sure you are aware, there is a great deal of research about how important a parent’s bond with their child is for their social, linguistic and psychological development. But, in addition to this, there are the miracles I see on a daily basis which cannot be quantified in research or evidence. These miracles can only be explained by the power of the bond and love between parents and their children. Children uttering their first words with their parent’s support. A son who emerges from coma, his first word being ‘mum’.  A father, who can only use his eyes to communicate, but through this medium communicates love to his children. These stories are endless. The power of the love between parents and their children cannot be written in words - it is an unquantifiable feeling. 

And then I think about the love between Beth and her boys and how so many people have tried to unjustly break this bond. It breaks my heart to watch Beth, Sammy and Benjy go through this. Beth is a loving, caring and amazing individual who has been put through years of unnecessary and painful trauma. The bond between them will never be broken but it is their hearts that are being broken in the process.

I urge you please to do the right thing. Please search in your heart for all those times that you have felt that special, unbreakable bond. And find it in your heart to do everything in your power to give these boys their mum back and mend these broken hearts. 

Many thanks 

Elise and Joel Minsky

#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons

Open Letter To Oskar Deutsch : BRING YOUR INFLUENCE TO BEAR

FAO: Mr Oskar Deutsch

IKG Wien.

Dear Mr Deutsch,

I appeal to you as head of the Austrian Jewish community to bring your influence to bear on the situation of the Schlesinger twins.

How can it be beneficial for them to be kept away so much from their mother who loves them?

One would have expected custody to have been granted to the mother.

Failing that usual situation, one would expect that the mother, Beth Schlesinger (nee Alexander) would have been granted extensive visitation and access rights. However, her access and visitation seems to be minimal and reduced from previously.

I cannot see any valid information that should be permitted to reduce this natural right.

Please use your position and influence on any relevant people to help these children grow up with a much stronger connection with their mother.

Any alternative can only be to the detriment of the boys in the long term.

Yours sincerely,

Lucille Cohen (Mrs.)

Past president 2010-12

Jewish Representative Council of Greater Manchester and Region.

Zichron Ya’akov, Israel.

#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons


Dear Mr Oskar Deutsch,

I met Beth Alexander several years ago at a Sukkot event here in London, however I knew about her story several years prior to meeting her. We met whilst celebrating a holiday dedicated to the concept of joy and happiness, whilst Beth has been experiencing the complete opposite. However, her personality and warmth, and becoming my friend, added to my own personal joy and happiness, which is a testament to the person she is, and I am blessed to have her presence in my life. 

I had recently shared on my social media that I had been hospitalised with a serious life threatening condition. Despite the stress and heartbreak Beth is going through, and has done so for many years, she was one of the first to check in on me and to wish me well. She put her friend (me) above herself. She is the true definition of an Eshet Chayil, a Tzedakes and indeed has maternal instincts towards her own children and her friends. Depriving her children of her warm and generous nature is a grave error and is hugely detrimental to their development. 

As Samuel and Benjamin approach their bar mitzvah, their friends will be experiencing their learning of their Torah portions, and organising their parties, with both their mothers and fathers. It cannot be easy for these two boys to approach manhood without the woman who gave birth to them and showered them with love, by their side for this huge milestone in their lives. 

Parental alienation is a form of child abuse, and will shape the way that a child deals with relationships and their own parenthood, once they have their own children. As Samuel and Benjamin approach their teens, and adulthood, being deprived of the love and bonds with their mother will undoubtedly have a detrimental effect, and this can become a vicious cycle. 

I urge you, in your position, to break this cycle of parental alienation, and to use your position to ensure that Samuel and Benjamin are reunited with their kind, warm, compassionate and loving mother, Beth Alexander. That you assist in allowing these two beautiful boys to flourish into well developed young men, who will treat their future partners and children with the same love that Beth instils upon her own children and community. Please ensure that you do the right thing for these two special children, and put an end to the abuse that they have been forced to endure against their will. Samuel and Benjamin deserve to live like their friends and deserve to have their mother by their side as they enter the new chapters in their lives- please help to write the chapters with a happy ending. 

Yours sincerely, 

Natasha Field Levene

#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons


Dear Herr Deutsch,

Two boys

12 years old

144 months

626 weeks

4380 days

105120 hours

6307200 minutes 

378432000 seconds… 378432001 seconds… 378432002 seconds… 378432003 seconds…

Without their mother.

How many more seconds will you actively deprive Beth’s sons of their human rights through inaction?

“We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.” - Elie Wiesel

When Samuel and Benjamin come to you one day, and ask why?- When you look into their eyes, what will you say?

I pray and hope you will say that you were brave enough to do everything in your power to right a wrong, to ensure two boys be reunited with their mother before they are Bar Mitzvah.

I pray and hope. And I write to you.

Kind regards,

Hannah Morris

Chaya Devorah 

A mother understands what a child does not say.

#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons

Open Letter To Oskar Deutsch : TAKE ACTION

Dear Mr Deutsch,

Does one more make a difference?

I am well aware that by now you would have received many letters from all around the world with regards to the case of Beth Alexander and her two sons. I began to wonder if my letter would make any difference to add to the pile of others. But then I realised that is precisely why I need to write to you.

Just like my input might help move a mountain, so can you.

In a few short years, Samuel and Benjamin Schlesinger will be out in the world with their own adventures and no doubt inquisitive about their background. It won't take them long to find out the truth. That their devoted mother tried every avenue to keep them in her arms. I am a psychologist but I am not going to lecture you in the extensive research into maternal deprivation. No expertise is needed to know how fundamental a loving mother is to the well-being of her children.

I am just going to tell you this:

You can make a difference.

After discovering the truth in the not so distant future, do you want these 2 boys to look back with despair at not having had an official representative fight for that crucial maternal bond they so devastatingly lost?

Or do you want them (and the world) to look at you with respect and gratitude knowing you stood up for what is right?

No child should be prevented from being nurtured with that instinctive maternal love.

No mother should have doors slammed in her face at just the simple desperate wish to hold her children close.

I first met Beth in person in 2012, and despite all the trauma thrown her way, she has always held herself with such grace. Always keeping Sammy and Benji's welfare and happiness at the forefront. Constantly showing unwavering motherly love, positivity and strength. She literally has moved every mountain that exists for just the simple wish to be a mother to her beautiful boys. And now after her most recent devastating blow it is time for us to be a rock for her and break through this seemingly limitless mountain.

Please don't just sit passively and take a back seat. Take action.

I can see you really care about doing good in your community. You may feel this case is nothing to do with you, or that it goes against what the rest of the Viennese community think, or that your input is insignificant. Take this opportunity to show the world that you care, that you are a step ahead and lead in what is right and just.

I promise you one day the boys will appreciate all that you did. And the world will respect you more than ever.

May Hashem give you the courage, wisdom and strength to stand up tall and stand with Beth, and in return shower you and your family with blessings.

This is your opportunity to make the biggest difference of your life.

Kind regards,

Olivia Saunders


#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Open Letter To Oskar Deutsch : BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES

Dear Mr Deutsch

I am writing to you about the case of Beth Alexander who has been denied access to her sons Sammy and Benjy. I believe that a huge injustice has taken place in the denial of access rights to Beth.  

It appears to me that Beth is a loving mother who only wants to care for her children and support them as they develop. It seems that the decision to deny Beth the access rights she deserves has been taken with disregard to the children’s welfare. They have suffered as a result, being denied the natural bond with their mother all children undoubtedly crave.

It has been reported online that the basis of the judge’s decision to deny Beth access rights is a questionable psychiatric report, obtained after interference from another judge who is purported to be a friend of Dr Schlesinger.  An Independent psychiatric report found no evidence of Beth suffering from mental illness when Beth was assessed in 2010 -  There is also information online indicating that Beth was in fact a victim of abusive behaviour from her ex-husband. In 2010, Dr Schlesinger was removed from the couple’s home on police orders after he sought, unsuccessfully, to have his wife committed to a mental institute

For a Court to take the drastic action of removing children from the care of their mother there must be some evidence of a risk of harm or neglect posed to the child. In Beth’s case there is no evidence of such concerns. It appears that a massive miscarriage of justice has taken place.

I’m sure you will agree that family life is so central to our lives as Jews that the miscarriage of justice taking place at the expense of Beth and her sons places a wider burden on the Jewish community to bring healing to the situation. This is in addition to the basic human rights abuses that appear evident in this case. My request is that as leader of the Viennese Jewish community you intervene in this situation in whatever way you can to bring a positive outcome for Beth and her sons.

I wish you well.

#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons

Open Letter To Oskar Deutsch : BETH IS BEING PUNISHED

Dear Mr. Deutsch, 

My name is Carole Sewelson.

I am writing to you with a plea, as a Jewish mother and grandmother. I am pleading with you to get involved with the help of reuniting Beth Alexandra with her twin boys. The court judgement is a great injustice to keep their mother away from her boys the most precious things in her life it cruel and unfair.

There are two sides to every story, where is Beth’s side?

Beth is being punished by the boys father and the Austrian court. How can a judge be partial when going to the Schlesinger house for afternoon tea? Is this a normal procedure? I would think NOT, this is highly unusual.

What gets me how the Jewish community in Vienna choose not to get involved to help Beth, where are all the JEWISH MOTHERS? Where is the help to get Beth true justice not built on lies. Why is the FATHER believed and not the MOTHER?

There are a lot of questions to be answered. The Twins are coming up to their BARMITZVAH, how can a Jewish mother be deprived of being there it is a very proud moment in Jewish life and the father and the court is banning her from going shame on them.

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Michael's mother did the same thing stopping her son seeing his FATHER. See what it has done to him depriving Beth from seeing her sons? Will the father pass this down to his sons? Very likely if help is not given to Beth. Before any damage can be done, they can be returned to their mother so she can bring them up with love. Hopefully these letters sent to you will be read and notice taken of them, and not be ignored. As you can see how the MANCHESTER JEWISH COMMUNITY have come together as ONE.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Carole Sewelson

#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons


Dear Mr Deutsch,

I write to you, as do many others, to ask your help in reuniting Beth Alexander with her two sons, Sammy and Benji. I read about Beth's battle many years ago and was shocked and appalled to discover last month that this distressing situation is ongoing and that she now has no access to her sons at all. 

As the leader of Vienna's Jewish Community please use your position and influence to help Beth and her sons. 

To put it into a global perspective, this situation has developed against the backdrop of a rapidly changing world, a world now opened up by the internet revolution. People's connectivity with one another has become so strong that in just a few weeks an online platform has gathered together a strong international group of thousands of supporters and activists, whose sense of justice has been outraged and whose hearts bleed for Beth and her sons. These people want to help reunite Beth with her children and are prepared to fight for this. 

The Internet has also enabled a rapid and widespread dispersion of ideas and knowledge. Pertinent to the story behind Beth Alexander's case, there has been a shift in knowledge about and attitude to women's issues. #MeToo was born, and this is just the beginning of opening up conversations about the types of abuse women suffer at the hands of men. Beth was in abusive relationship and what was once seen as an isolated issue occurring within a small Jewish community can now be seen in the wider contexts of violence against women, emotional abuse, post separation abuse and most sadly parental alienation. 

As it happens I was also in an abusive marriage. My ex husband once threatened me, when I was pregnant, that if I left him, he knew powerful people who could have me certified mentally unfit to look after my children and he would get full custody. He had no basis for this threat, it was made to control me, to scare me, keep me in my place and said with venom and spite. Some men- and also women- do take this sort of threat further to hurt the other parent, often resulting in very sad and hurtful consequences for the children. This threat hung over me for a long time. Incidentally my ex husband's family had escaped Vienna in 1938. Having learned of Beth's experience, I thank G-d that my marriage did not break down in Vienna. 

One day Sammy and Benji will read these words, these letters written to you. They will know of Beth's fight for their right to their loving mother and who helped to right a wrong and who did not. I respectfully urge you to be on the right side of history and use your influence to change the path of these lives. Please take up the cause of Beth and her twin sons and work towards a situation where they can benefit from being a family and the boys can benefit from knowing their mother and her love for them.

Yours sincerely

#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons


Dear Mr Deutsch,

I hope you are well.

I am practicing solicitor in the UK. 

I have followed the Beth Alexander twins case for years and feel heartbroken that there is a caring mother who cannot see her beloved children. With my legal experience, I can say that the court decisions have been cruel, callous and a miscarriage of justice.

It is now time for someone to step forward and make a difference. As we have seen in our rich Jewish history, it has always been the heroics of individuals that has ensured our existence. My understanding is that the twins father has full discretion to Beth's access.  Beth's access is certainly in the children's best interest who need their mother more than ever.  

I, therefore, respectfully ask you to help in reuniting Beth with her sons. As President of IKG, a leader, a humanitarian and a person with influence, you are best placed to help. 

Please let me know if there is anything further I can do in assisting you to help Beth.

Kind regards.

#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons

Open Letter To Oskar Deutsch : MY MOTHER WAS THERE

Oskar Deutsch 

When I had stomach pains in kindergarten. 

My Mother was there.

When I had struggles with school. 

My Mother was there.

When I needed a lift, physically and metaphorically...

My Mother was there.

When I split my head. 

My Mother was there.

When my Art teacher at school showed ZERO support. 

My Mother (&Father) were there.

When my brothers had challenges  at Cambridge University. 

Our Mother was there.

When we were sick. 

Our Mother was there.

When we needed advice. 

Our Mother was there.

When we needed home cooking, even away from home. 

Our Mother was there.

When we felt lost and stressed. 

Our Mother was there.

When we simply needed a hug. 

Our Mother was there. 

..... because we experienced all of this, our departed Mother, who passed away September 10th 2021, is with us all the time.

Beth Alexander and her 2 boys, have been grossly and unjustly deprived of all these experiences.

Part of the essentials of growing up. 

Learning the tools to deal with the world that a loving Mother can offer. 

Creating beautiful memories that will stay with them till they breathe their final breath. 

As Morrie Schwartz said in the book "Tuesdays with Morrie" Death ends a life, but NOT a relationship."

She has been refused even the most basics of a relationship.

It's SHAMEFUL and it hurts!!

It hurts her family, it pains her friends, but it's nothing in comparison to the pain inflicted on Beth, a truly loving Mother. 

Herr Oskar Deutsch, I really hope you had such a loving relationship with your Mother. 

Don't deny Beth Alexander and her two boys, the exact same rights.

I would not wish her situation on you Herr Deutsch, or on anyone else for that matter.

By any barometer, IT IS SIMPLY NOT RIGHT. 

Fix it please.

Steven J Selig.

#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons