Saturday, February 5, 2022

Open Letter To Oskar Deutsch : I AM SO VERY SORRY

Herr Deutsch, PLEASE read this through to the end! I have written on your behalf..

Dear Beth,

My name is Oskar Deutsch. As you know, I am the president of the Jewish community here in Vienna where we pride ourselves in the welcoming, warm and loving values we believe are paramount to living a good Jewish life. I am passionate about the future of Austrian Jewry as you may realise from all of my previous endeavours to improve community life in Vienna.

I therefore write this letter to you, dear Beth, to express my profound regret, to openly bow my head in shame, at not having been in touch with you sooner. Words cannot convey how sincerely I wish I had not turned a blind eye to your plight until now. Finally, Baruch HaShem, I have awoken from this fear I had of dealing with your case. I have been shaken out of my stupor and seen sense. I now realise that we have been held hostage by certain members of the community who, contrary to false outward gestures of well-meaning and compassion for the Schlesinger twins, have in fact been manipulative and threatening for years, putting the true well-being of the children far far behind the vengeful alienation of yourself, a loving mother, in the list of priorities on their agendas.

I am so very sorry that I cannot return to you the years of mothering that were stolen so brutally from you. I am so very sorry that I cannot give you memories that you had every right to create with your young sons. I am so very sorry that your boys have missed a childhood of love that you clearly never stopped emitting, no matter how far apart you were from them. I am truly sorry that I was not brave enough to make a stand against corruption and injustice for you, all the while professing to stand against injustice for the Jews of Austria. Well, no more Beth Alexander.

I will use the power vested in me as the president of a Jewish kehillah, lead by example and fight for your side, the only true side that exists- unite a loving mother who has done no wrong, with her two deserving sons. You are to be commended for your strength throughout this ordeal, but especially, your grace and incredible capacity to forgo 'revenge' and bad-mouthing, despite the treatment you have received from those involved directly, and shamefully, those of us involved indirectly by our very loud silence. I do not believe I, or many members of our community, would have reacted in such a virtuous way.

I pledge to you today, my absolute support and determination in setting things right. I will not stop until I see you rightfully reunited without further delay. I am a man of integrity and values. I believe in family, I believe in good over evil, I believe I can help you.

Apologetically yours,

Oskar Deutsch

There, Mr Deutsch! I have done the hard part for you! That terribly embarrassing and pride-deflating moment of apology- it's over. Better late than never! All you need to do now is to copy and paste the letter and send it to Beth. It will take you seconds.

Whether or not you do this because you are compassionate or just because you want to be a hero, we don't care. Come on Mr Deutsch, you have an opportunity to be Beth's hero (and a hero for world Jewry) handed to you on a silver platter. Was it never your dream to be someone's saviour?

If we cannot appeal to your humanity, perhaps we can appeal to your ego. You could make history and have your name revered by helping right this wrong! Just send Beth the letter!

#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons

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