Thursday, February 3, 2022

Open Letter To Oskar Deutsch : BETH IS BEING PUNISHED

Dear Mr. Deutsch, 

My name is Carole Sewelson.

I am writing to you with a plea, as a Jewish mother and grandmother. I am pleading with you to get involved with the help of reuniting Beth Alexandra with her twin boys. The court judgement is a great injustice to keep their mother away from her boys the most precious things in her life it cruel and unfair.

There are two sides to every story, where is Beth’s side?

Beth is being punished by the boys father and the Austrian court. How can a judge be partial when going to the Schlesinger house for afternoon tea? Is this a normal procedure? I would think NOT, this is highly unusual.

What gets me how the Jewish community in Vienna choose not to get involved to help Beth, where are all the JEWISH MOTHERS? Where is the help to get Beth true justice not built on lies. Why is the FATHER believed and not the MOTHER?

There are a lot of questions to be answered. The Twins are coming up to their BARMITZVAH, how can a Jewish mother be deprived of being there it is a very proud moment in Jewish life and the father and the court is banning her from going shame on them.

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Michael's mother did the same thing stopping her son seeing his FATHER. See what it has done to him depriving Beth from seeing her sons? Will the father pass this down to his sons? Very likely if help is not given to Beth. Before any damage can be done, they can be returned to their mother so she can bring them up with love. Hopefully these letters sent to you will be read and notice taken of them, and not be ignored. As you can see how the MANCHESTER JEWISH COMMUNITY have come together as ONE.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Carole Sewelson

#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons

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