Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Open Letter To Oskar Deutsch : PLEASE DON'T SIT BACK AND BE SILENT

Dear Mr Oskar Deutsch,

I write to you concerning the children of Beth Alexander, Sammy and Benji Schlesinger.

I am aware you have already been inundated with correspondence from many in our community, however I cannot sit back and not play my part to help Beth and her boys. Can you?

The hope is that the more and more correspondence you receive from caring friends, family, community and supporters, the more likely you too will not be able to sit back and let this continue to happen under your nose within your community.  

The hope is that you will have connections and influence both within the Jewish community and the wider Viennese judiciary to help reopen and investigate this case.

I have followed Beth’s journey for many years and was heartbroken when I read the most recent court outcome to restrict all access. I could not believe it could get any worse.

What I have read of this case shows that Beth was a victim of abuse, how in this day and age, in the 21st century can we allow this abuse to continue? How is the system allowing the use of children as a way for a partner to continue to control, alienate and abuse an ex-spouse?

It is simply abhorrent.

It is in turn child abuse.

Sammy and Benji are impacted more than their mother Beth herself.

The cycle needs to be broken before it is too late.

With the history of our people, how can we not have learnt that you cannot sit back and watch on when injustice is happening to those around you?

Where is the justification for the no contact and sole custody?  There does not seem to be any sound, evidence based reason for the judgements made over the years.  The case needs investigating and reopening by an impartial party that has had no prior involvement.

It appears the situation stemmed from an abusive and controlling husband trying to have his wife deemed mentally unstable.  This in itself heartbreaking and impossible to understand, even if Beth had been suffering from poor mental health (which was evidenced was not the case) this would be no reason to alienate children from a parent. 

Again how are we in the 21st century and this is still not known?

I cannot think about Sammy, Benji or Beth without feeling heartbroken.

As a mother, I cannot imagine the feeling of having my children taken from me.

As a child, I cannot imagine living without my mother in my life whilst she is still living.

We appeal to you, please take action and help reunite Beth with her sons.

Please don’t sit back and be silent.

Yours sincerely

Rachel Shababo
London, England

#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons

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