Saturday, February 5, 2022

Open Letter To Oskar Deutsch : TAKE ACTION

Dear Mr Deutsch,

Does one more make a difference?

I am well aware that by now you would have received many letters from all around the world with regards to the case of Beth Alexander and her two sons. I began to wonder if my letter would make any difference to add to the pile of others. But then I realised that is precisely why I need to write to you.

Just like my input might help move a mountain, so can you.

In a few short years, Samuel and Benjamin Schlesinger will be out in the world with their own adventures and no doubt inquisitive about their background. It won't take them long to find out the truth. That their devoted mother tried every avenue to keep them in her arms. I am a psychologist but I am not going to lecture you in the extensive research into maternal deprivation. No expertise is needed to know how fundamental a loving mother is to the well-being of her children.

I am just going to tell you this:

You can make a difference.

After discovering the truth in the not so distant future, do you want these 2 boys to look back with despair at not having had an official representative fight for that crucial maternal bond they so devastatingly lost?

Or do you want them (and the world) to look at you with respect and gratitude knowing you stood up for what is right?

No child should be prevented from being nurtured with that instinctive maternal love.

No mother should have doors slammed in her face at just the simple desperate wish to hold her children close.

I first met Beth in person in 2012, and despite all the trauma thrown her way, she has always held herself with such grace. Always keeping Sammy and Benji's welfare and happiness at the forefront. Constantly showing unwavering motherly love, positivity and strength. She literally has moved every mountain that exists for just the simple wish to be a mother to her beautiful boys. And now after her most recent devastating blow it is time for us to be a rock for her and break through this seemingly limitless mountain.

Please don't just sit passively and take a back seat. Take action.

I can see you really care about doing good in your community. You may feel this case is nothing to do with you, or that it goes against what the rest of the Viennese community think, or that your input is insignificant. Take this opportunity to show the world that you care, that you are a step ahead and lead in what is right and just.

I promise you one day the boys will appreciate all that you did. And the world will respect you more than ever.

May Hashem give you the courage, wisdom and strength to stand up tall and stand with Beth, and in return shower you and your family with blessings.

This is your opportunity to make the biggest difference of your life.

Kind regards,

Olivia Saunders


#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons

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