Saturday, February 5, 2022


Dear Mr Deutsch, 

I am writing in regards to the ongoing case of Beth Alexander being separated from her twins, Sammy and Benjy. 

As a Speech and Language Therapist, over the years I have worked closely with children and their parents, both when they are young and, at the other end of the spectrum, when children are looking after their parents. As I’m sure you are aware, there is a great deal of research about how important a parent’s bond with their child is for their social, linguistic and psychological development. But, in addition to this, there are the miracles I see on a daily basis which cannot be quantified in research or evidence. These miracles can only be explained by the power of the bond and love between parents and their children. Children uttering their first words with their parent’s support. A son who emerges from coma, his first word being ‘mum’.  A father, who can only use his eyes to communicate, but through this medium communicates love to his children. These stories are endless. The power of the love between parents and their children cannot be written in words - it is an unquantifiable feeling. 

And then I think about the love between Beth and her boys and how so many people have tried to unjustly break this bond. It breaks my heart to watch Beth, Sammy and Benjy go through this. Beth is a loving, caring and amazing individual who has been put through years of unnecessary and painful trauma. The bond between them will never be broken but it is their hearts that are being broken in the process.

I urge you please to do the right thing. Please search in your heart for all those times that you have felt that special, unbreakable bond. And find it in your heart to do everything in your power to give these boys their mum back and mend these broken hearts. 

Many thanks 

Elise and Joel Minsky

#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons

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