Monday, January 31, 2022

Open Letter To Oskar Deutsch : TZEDEK TZEDEK TIRDOF

Dear Dr Deutsch

I know that you have received many communications about the Schlesinger twins.  I do sincerely hope that you are actually reading them and not merely deleting them. 

As the leader of the Viennese Jewish Community you are in the position of being able to exert influence over Dr Schlesinger to modify his totally unreasonable and vindictive behaviour towards his ex-wife, Beth.  To wilfully deny a mother contact with her children is an abuse of not only Beth's but Benjamin and Samuel’s human rights and will have catastrophic effects on the boys' own future developments and relationships.   

If Beth were an abusive mother, an alcoholic, a drug user or neglectful mother, these could be justifiable reasons for denying her contact with her sons.   However, Beth is none of these things.  She is a kind, caring devoted mother who through what can only be described as a less than satisfactory legal process and a malicious, vindictive ex-husband, has been deprived of a mother’s right of normal contact with her children.  

The legal process by which this decision was reached is unfathomable.  A psychiatric report obtained after interference from another judge who is a friend of Dr Schlesinger formed the sole basis of the judge’s decision, that all reports in support of Beth were discounted by the Judge, proves that due legal process was not adhered to. That the Jewish community have colluded with this state of affairs and not done anything to help Beth, should be a source of shame to you. 

Raising a family is a sacred duty to Jewish people, a way to express loyalty to Judaism. Judaism recognises that each parent has something different to give to their children, to contribute to their religious, educational, emotional, social and material needs. In Jewish families, parents and children are responsible for each other as a way of honouring Hashem. Parents are seen as partners in Hashem's creation of each human being, so to honour one's parents is to honour Hashem. To alienate a child from a parent is dishonouring Hashem. 

Tzedek, tzedek tirdof. Justice, justice you shall pursue, one of the most important commandments in Judaism. I would ask you to use your influence to ensure that you pursue justice for Beth and her sons. 

Respectfully yours

Ruth Leveson


Dear Herr Deutsch, 

Like so many other people I am writing with regards to Beth Alexander, such a cruel injustice that has been done to her and her sons. 

The British Chief Rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis, along with The British parliament fully support her efforts. They recognise the horrendous situation that Beth finds herself in. When a marriage breaks down it should not break down the parents rights to spend at the very least equal time with their children. It’s beyond heart breaking for all concerned.

There must be something as President of IKG, that you can do in order to help correct the situation.   

Kind regards 

Fiona Samuels Radnor

Open Letter To Oskar Deutsch : ASHAMED AND DISAPPOINTED

Dear Mr Deutsch,

I am the grand daughter of the late Charlotte Kohn who grew up in Berndorf, Austria. If it were not for the horrors of the Holocaust I would very likely be a member of your Jewish community in Vienna. Yet today, I am ashamed and disappointed by the inaction of that community which is abetting a father who has alienated his children from their mother. How sick.

I am heartbroken to have learned of the plight of an ordinary young woman from Manchester who has been denied a normal relationship with her sons. How under any circumstances can the Austrian Jewish Community welcome a man who is unable to prioritise the needs of his children? It takes a selfish and cruel person to alienate children from a loving mother. Most separating parents do everything to avoid harming their children but Mr Schlesinger is apparently happy for the children to be collateral damage in the twisted punishment of his ex-wife. Whilst unjust decisions have been made by the Austrian courts (and these may be hard to overturn), it seems within the power of the Austrian Jewish community to speak out and help the children to see their mum. This would not break the law. In virtually no circumstances should a mother be separated from their children – even those who are dangerous or extremely unstable are normally encouraged to maintain contact. Beth, is most evidently, a normal, loving and law-abiding person and not a deranged criminal. What is going on? I feel great shame towards the Austrian Jewish community for not speaking out in favour of the children. Just a statement to say that this loving mother ought to see her children frequently may help. Community leaders must get involved in facilitating this.

As I understand the father seems to have suffered childhood trauma himself which has affected his ability to appreciate that keeping the boys away from their mother is abnormal and disturbing. How sad for transgenerational abuse to continue. Surely you would not want a daughter or son of yours to be separated from their children – under any circumstances.


Please act now to stop this Chillul Hashem.


Yours sincerely,


Dear Mr Oskar Deutsch,

I write as a fellow Jew who has followed the journey of Beth Alexander and Michael Schlesinger and their custody battle over their beautiful twin boys Benjamin and Samuel.

As you know, this has been an upsetting situation, fraught with pain and difficulty - with the unusual step of blocking a kind and loving mother from seeing her children.

Please could you, as a person of influence in the Vienna Jewish community, do the right thing and allow the boys access to their loving mother. Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, Beth's member of the British Parliament Matthew Offord MP and Naomi Dickson head of Jewish Women's Aid charity and countless others (including myself and our family) have testified to Beth's kindness, positive wellbeing and good character.

It is nearly their barmitzvah and it is time for the boys to be reunited with their mother, a mother who loves and misses them every day.

Please help us to reunite Beth with her sons at this important time and allow her more access to her children.

From our heart to yours,

Warm regards,

Eleanor and Robert Mandelstam

(London, UK)


Dear Mr Deutsch,

I am sure you will receive many emails and letters in the coming days about the case of Beth Alexander. Having known Beth since childhood, it is clear that she does not deserve the abuse she has suffered.  

How can the Austrian Jewish community stand by and not intervene after so many years of pain? Their has been no justification or explanation for what has happened – just brick walls to shut out Beth and anyone who tries to help. It is now time for all good people with influence to do the right thing, if not for Beth, then for her innocent children.

I therefore wish to add my voice to those calling for the Austrian Jewish community to use whatever pressure it can to force her ex-husband to end this disgraceful Chillul Hashem.




Benjamin Black


Open Letter To Oskar Deutsch : HOW CAN WE BE BYSTANDERS

Dear Mr Deutsch,

As leader of the Austrian Jewish community, I and many many others are writing to you to ask for your help regarding the deep injustice that Beth Alexander is having to endure.

Beth is a loving, caring and empathic person who has put herself through law school and become a lawyer. She has the backing of the British Parliament and of the British Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis.

How can we be bystanders to a community that is keeping a remarkable Jewish mother apart from her boys? A courageous person Beth needs to see and be with her boys for her sake and theirs.

Her boys are being denied this by the dreadful decisions of the Austrian Judiciary.

Please help to right this wrong.


Lauren Hamburger

Open Letter To Oskar Deutsch : ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

Dear Mr Deutsch,

I am writing to you as you are a person of influence within the Austrian Jewish community to ask you to do everything within your power to reunite Beth with her sons Benjy and Sammy. 

It is a devastating miscarriage of justice that the Austrian courts have barred all contact between them. We cannot stand idly by while both Beth and her sons suffer from this.

The boys are coming up to their Bar Mitzvah and Beth has had no direct contact with her children for 5 years. 5 years too long. Enough is enough.

Please do everything you can to liaise with Michael Schlesinger and ask him to do what is right for the boys and what is right for their mother. If this conversation isn’t successful, what are the alternative next steps in order to get Beth back with her boys?

Yours sincerely,

Rebecca Rubinstein 

(England, UK)

Open Letter To Oskar Deutsch : FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR COMMUNITY

Herr Deutsch,

I hope you are well. I am writing to ask you to support Beth Alexander so that she can be reunited with her sons. As a mother myself, it is unthinkable to be separated from my children for any length of time, let alone the enduring and unjust separation that Beth Alexander has endured from her boys and them from her. It is a huge miscarriage of justice that the Austrian courts have barred the boys' mother from having any contact with them. I do not see any evidence that she is a risk to her sons; but you, on the other hand, risk the reputation of the whole Viennese community as this miscarriage of justice is rapidly spreading to become media news around the world.

For the sake of the Sammy and Benjy who deserve to have a relationship with their mother, for the sake of your community, and for the sake of our shared Jewish heritage which places such a strong emphasis on justice, please use your power and influence to work with Michael Schlesinger and with the courts to do what is right, and to allow the boys to spend time with their mother - in particular in the lead-up to their bar mitzvahs.

Yours sincerely,

Nicky Kay.

Open Letter To Oskar Deutsch : STILL A CHANCE FOR THE FUTURE

Dear Mr Oskar Deutsch, 

My name is Heidi Lazarus, originally from Glasgow, Scotland but now living in Israel. 36 years ago, when I was just 6 years old my mother sadly passed away after a short fight with cancer. 

My amazing father was left at age 38 to raise me and my 2 brothers and thankfully he did a great job. We grew up in a loving family surrounded by people who wanted the best for us. 

I grew up however, with a longing for a mother I did not know or have much memory of. At key events, my bat mitzvah, my brother's bar mitzvah, our weddings, there was always something missing. It was only when I became a mother myself did I realize what a huge loss and trauma I had been through. My brothers felt the same and went through their own challenging journeys at various times. 

I'm writing to you with utter sadness that there are two young boys in your community, Benjy and Sammy Schlesinger, about to be bar mitzvah, who have been deprived of that motherly love for so many years. No child should be without a mother, let alone children who have a mother who wants to love and care for them, nurture them and support them as they grow and mature. The years past can never be given back but there is still a chance for the future. 

I am urging you from the bottom of my heart to get involved in the Beth Alexander case. I do not know Beth or the father of the boys. My only concern is for these two boys to have access to a loving parent. Please please help to reunite Sammy and Benjy with their mother. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this. 

Heidi Lazarus


Dear Mr President,

I am writing to you in the hope that as President of the Vienna Jewish Community, you can help resolve this dreadful situation.

No mother should ever be deprived of her children and no children should be deprived of their mother.

It appears to be an injustice of inordinate proportions and as such casts a stain on the Jewish community of Vienna.

I am disturbed for a number of reasons but most of all for the coercion which seems to have been brought to bear to discredit the mother Beth. As a result it would appear that she has no contact or visitation rights with her children whatsoever. 

Please goodness with your help this loving mother can be reunited with her children Sammy and Benjy and can start their loving family life which has been denied to them for so long.

With warm wishes,

Mrs Sarah Taylor

David Alroyi 9/13




Open Letter To Oskar Deutsch : HORROR AND DESPONDENCY

Dear Mr Deutsch,

I write to you as part of a growing chorus of support for Beth Alexander regarding the deep injustice that has been done to her and her sons. I have known Beth since she was forced to abandon her life in Vienna and try to make a new one in London, without her sons. As a Jew and a father myself, I spend much of my time talking proudly about Jewish values and especially about the overriding care and concern we have for our children, the next generation.

I am a separated father and was forced to go through a difficult time in the UK family court, the result of which was that I became the main parent in my son's life. The UK has made great progress in rejecting the word "custody" in favour of words which reflect the fact that neither parent should have the "power" to control the other or to inflict parental alienation on their child/children.

No matter how messy and bruising the conflict between the parents, every parent with any decency and moral compass knows that you must *never* alienate your kids from the less present parent. If the non-Jews now realise this, how much more so we Jews ?!

And yet to my horror and despondency, I have seen nothing but parental alienation, character assassination and sickening injustice inflicted on Beth Alexander and her sons. How can it be that a Jewish community, of all communities, allows this to happen? What kind of Chillul Hashem is this?

I urge you to listen to the many voices now crying out to you, as leader of the Viennese Jewish community, to take immediate action and put an end to so much unnecessary suffering and damage.


Robert Dwek

London, UK

Open Letter To Oskar Deutsch : IT IS NO LONGER ACCEPTABLE

Dear Mr Deutsch,

As President  of the Viennese Jewish community you have the power and influence to put an end to this miscarriage of justice which has taken place on your doorstep.

It is no longer acceptable for the community over which you preside to say “we don’t want to talk about it” or “it’s in the hands of the courts”.

This line has gotten you and your community through the last 5 years when, broken and defeated, Beth returned home without her boys.

Five years later she is anything but that. She is strong and courageous. She is a Jewish mother without her children who will not give up this fight and and now has an army of supporters behind her who will not retreat. They will just get louder and LOUDER until justice is done and her boys are returned to her.

So I appeal to you to please intervene and do something to help remove this deep stain your community has put on their name and their reputation. Don’t allow them to continue to be seen  as people who support such a situation. 

World Jewry is waiting to see what you do next. Please do the right thing.

Kind Regards,

Tanya Duman

Open Letter To Oskar Deutsch : ONE OF OUR OWN IS IN PAIN

Dear Mr. Deutsch,

It's a pleasure to make my introduction. I am sure you're rolling your eyes at yet another email from a stranger to plea the case for Beth Alexander.

I now live in Kansas City, but am originally from the UK. I attended high school and Bnei Akiva with Beth and have watched from afar as she has battled for access to her dear boys, Sammy and Benjy. Beth was always a role model and a shining example to everyone around her. Her love and care for everyone around her is as clear as the sky is blue.

I was raised by a single mother. I had little contact with my father between the age of five and 25. This wasn't the fault of a court system or community influence, and my mother did everything in her power to make sure I knew my father was a good person, even if he wasn't actively in my life.

Once I was a parent myself, my father and I had the blessed opportunity to create a relationship of our own. We now visit each other's homes and he has a relationship with my three children too. As an adult, I was able to create this relationship but as a child and teenager, this void in my life had deep consequences on my education, behavior, and relationships. I cherish the Chumash my father sent me for my Bar Mitzvah, despite the fact I was heartbroken that he wasn't able to attend.

It pains me that these two young souls are being deprived of all contact from the mother that so clearly loves them. As a community leader, your voice has power. Your voice has the chance to make a real change in these lives.

The outcry of support that is overwhelming your emails is coming from a community that stands by its word and sees injustice. A people who are saying one of our own is in pain and Am Yisrael are standing together to right this wrong. As community leaders we preach tikkun olam, and yet there's a tikkun that needs to take place right now.

I turn to you as a leader to fill the shoes you stand in and ask that you embrace true leadership in a difficult situation, and get involved for the sake of Sammy, Benjy, and Beth.

I expect you have many emails to reply to. I promise that if you would like to take the time to speak to me, I will drop whatever I am doing and make the time.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Open Letter To Oskar Deutsch : RIGHT THESE WRONGS

Dear Herr Deutsch,

Two years ago I lost my wife suddenly. I was left bereft and a sole parent to five young children. Not a day passes do I wish that my children had their loving mother to help and support them through their life.

In the case of Beth Alexander, a friend, and a wonderful woman, I can't understand why the Austrian Jewish community continues to perpetuate the alienation of Beth from her boys, Sami and Benji.

These boys are being raised without the love and care of their mother; affecting both the long term mental health of the boys and their mother, Beth. This seems absurd, the mother is capable and available and yet being denied her basic right as a mother.

I am writing to ask you to put pressure on your community to right these wrongs, to enable Beth to be a mother once again, and to prevent any further tragedies that may leave a permanent stain on the reputation of the Austrian Jewish community.

Best Regards

Howard Glick


Dear Mr Deutsch, 

I come short to understand how the case of Beth Alexander  is still struggling to surface he realm of common sense and fairness justice . 

I do not know of Beth Alexander as a mother but I know Beth as a person, as a human being who has showed to the thousands of people what a mother would do to get reunited with her two twins. Two twins that have been with the most unfortunate circumstances, ripped off by the most basic necessity, a mother care. I'll approach you today with hope you’ll take time to read this email as the many more that will ping your mailbox with the Title "Help Beth Reunite with her Children". 

I approach you today as I know of you as being a  man  who has done a lot for the Jewish Community. Has met great leaders both in Israel and Austria / Europe. A man who values the Jewish traditions and its historical roots. In that spirit, Israel is the mother of her sons, and the Jewish religion is the only faith whereby religion itself is given by the mother. This isn’t a just flawed incident of history, it's the ultimate meaning of our Jewish roots and the importance of a Jewish mother to our kids. It's the inner wisdom and strength  to what we are, Jewish men.

But I'm not here to merely attempt to teach you of history, as the English says "not teaching to suck an egg". You have excelled in many ways that others didn’t, but wish to bring a few points that I hope will come across from someone who in this case comes from an angle that is slightly different. 

I myself, come from an investigative background. Since 2009 Beth Alexander has relentlessly fought her case with the Austrian Courts, the Jewish Community, the Rabbis of the Jewish Community, the allegations against her, the police that arm raided her home as if a women with two kids flagged the worst of humanity, fought the prejudices against her, went through a set of mental ordeal with the media / defence solicitors / social services/ psychiatrist / doctors and not forgetting the initial account of Domestic Violence that took place when her ex-husband was removed custody with a non molestation order, and suddenly by some miracle and utter magical reappearance, Beth’s ex-husband managed to flip all the cards and remove her to the point of erasing who she is as a mother against all odds.

You’ll have to agree with me, Mr Deutsch, that in that sense, neither you nor I can pretend to know what Beth has been through. For that alone, she deserves the respect of us all. It doesn’t matter what one say - what matters is the action we take that makes a difference. Beth Alexander has proven that and continues to do so. The many would have collapsed under the veil of depression and utter self destruction. I, unfortunately in my own line of work - see that too many times.

We have a choice here to see the true picture and / or pretend that with time - it never happened . And from looking into Beth's case from a distant eye, I suspect her ex-husband kept an extremely cautious, careful low profile, in hope that it’ll be over soon.

But here we are, since 2009 and she is still standing and fighting to get her kids back. And believe me, even if the odds are against her, once more - I suspect she’ll continue to fight, for a mother love is for eternity and it requires no special request, no willing to be seen as a hero or the voice of the unheard, all she does is to reach back for her kids.

The civil Justice system, whether in Austria or the UK has many intricacies and once parental custody reaches the courts, it's highly likely that justice and injustice will cross path. We are not asking you to revert a court decision. Nor to do the impossible. But it is time for her ex-husband to realise that a decade of injustice has been perpetrated. There are no winners here. Her ex-husband is no winner in this situation. Him having sole custody of the kids is not a win. Wining the courts appeal is not a win. Alienating the kids against their mother is not a win.

The only possible correction is to reunite the mother with their kids. 

We approach you to seek mediation towards a solution of a man that is a member of the Austrian Jewish Community. To bring moral and values where there are none left. UK Leaders have spoken and took side along Beth, the UK Jewish Community have embraced Beth appeals and beg for Beth to be reunited with her children.

I come here to ask you personally to bring hope and allow the courts and all social services and any parties involved/concerned to review the facts accordingly and accept that mistakes have been made but resolution can and must happen.

Your sincerely,

Daniel Dahan


Dear Mr. Deutsch,

It is probably no secret to any of us that the world can be a cold, cruel, mercurial place. Tragedies happen in the blink of an eye, and most of the time, all we can do, is stand by and watch. Maybe strive to learn lessons from those past tragedies. We can't control cancer or the elements. We are left frustratedly watching these tragedies play out, with very little control over their outcome. Very often.

But lest we be lulled into a resigned sense of complacency, there are things we can prevent. There are ways we can heal some of the endless pain we encounter. We are able to fight injustices. Nay, we must. You are not obligated to complete the work, but crucially, neither are you free to just walk away.

When we can help it, we cannot stand by and watch our brothers and sisters bleed out. We are exhorted again and again to intervene. Justice, justice shall you pursue. A life long's mission. As a people, we cannot stand by while others suffer.

I am sure that you know all this, I do not write to you to give a shiur. But I am so troubled by the injustice currently being suffered by one our own, a mother who has been cut off from her children. I don't have children, but I imagine that must feel something like losing a limb.

Beth Alexander is a mother in pain. A person who brought two wonderful boys into the world - flesh of her flesh, treasured even more than that. She has been in that kind of agony for far too long. I don't pretend to know what goes on in heaven, but I imagine God crying every one of her tears with her. Beth isn't alone, there are now a lot of us crying her tears with her. 

I'm writing to beseech you, as leader of the Vienna community to intervene and help rectify this injustice. To hear the cries of a mother who has done nothing but love them and fight for them since she was forcibly separated from them. Please do not stay silent in the face of the suffering of not just the mother, but those two boys who are being deprived of everything wonderful our mothers give us. 



Dear Sir,

I read with much interest, your posts on facebook about the Shoah in conjunction with International Holocaust Day. I saw your empathy for the suffering that took place at that time. I am always especially upset by accounts of the separation of children from their parents and parents from their children, tragically in most cases, never to be rectified. You cannot reverse death.

And yet, in your community of 7,000 Jewish souls, no one does anything to help a mother separated from her children and them from her, as a result of lies and legal manipulation. I don't expect every one of your members to have the know-how or the clout to make much of a difference.

But you are their leader. You are a man of high position and they look to you for example. We cannot fathom this lack of action in the face of injustice. ("We" are fellow Jews from all over the world who are astounded by the lack of support from a Jewish community for a mother and two young boys who have been shamefully wronged.)

I beg you to take some of the empathy you so eloquently expressed for victims of the Shoah and think about one mother and her children who you could actually help today. During the Nazi era, so many Europeans felt helpless to do anything. However, there were also Righteous Gentiles who risked their lives to save children and parents so that they could eventually be reunited. Who do we revere?

You may think it insensitive to equate the plight of Beth Alexander with mothers in the Shoah, so let's take it down a notch. No one is asking you to risk your life or endanger your family. Beth is alive and available for her boys, but no one is allowing her to have any meaningful contact or relationship with them. What has Beth done to make you and the Vienna Jewish Community, including Chabad, turn your backs on her? Why do you justify this tearing apart of a loving mother from her children?

I strongly urge you to address this matter for the sake of the honour and dignity of the Vienna Jewish Community and your own.

Rachel Selby


Open Letter To Oskar Deutsch : DEVASTATION AND DESPAIR

Dear Oskar Deutsch,

I am writing to add my voice to the many that are asking for your help in reuniting Beth with her sons. I have recently read about Beth and the story of the tragedy that has followed, with her being so abruptly removed and eradicated from her sons lives.

Recently becoming a mother myself it pains me to imagine the devastation and despair she must be in every day to not have the love of her children and to not be present in her children's lives at all. She has tried every legal route and desperately needs your support and voice to path a way to reforming a meaningful relationship with her children.  Please help Beth. She will be in my prayers until she finally reunites with her children. 

Yours sincerely,

Nicole Zubaida


Dear Mr Deutsch,

I am sure you are aware of this tragic case in which a loving and caring mother has been separated from her children for many long years.  As a mother, I implore you as a person of influence within the Austrian Jewish community to do everything within your power to reunite Beth with her sons.   

It is a huge miscarriage of justice and it is clear that the courts have been corrupted. No reasons were given as to why Beth was denied custody or proper access. 

We beg you please to help this mother be with her sons again whether that be through legal means with a new impartial judge, or persuading the father to allow proper and unrestricted access. Beth’s sons are being turned against her which is heart breaking. Show that the Viennese community can act to do the right and just thing and end this family’s torment. 

With best regards 

Louise Rosen - London


Dear Herr Deutsch,

As a childhood close friend to Beth Alexander and as a Jewish mother of two Jewish children, I am writing to you to ask for your help to reunite Benji and Sammy with their loving Mother.

This might just be one of many emails or cases to You, but please try and understand that for the Boys and their Mother, this is their only life and unfortunately, the reality of it.

I have known Beth since 1998 for 24 years and have spent summers with her and her family in Manchester and later together with my family in Budapest. She is one of the most intelligent, caring, funny and empathetic people I have come to know in my life and the failure of the justice system and the lack of support towards her from the Jewish community in Wien deeply saddens me.

No one should ever have to go through this single most traumatic experience I can imagine in life, the loss of contact with their children, be it in any way.

I beg for your empathy here, in honest hope that you would look into what happened in these boys' case and help in any way that you can, given your respectful and impactful position in the community.

I sincerely wish You well and all the best in your endeavours and thank You for your time to read my message!

Kind regards,

Judith Edelstein


Dear Mr Deutsch

As someone who has known Beth and family for many years and has followed this tragic case from the start and most importantly as a mother myself I respectfully urge you to intervene so these boys are not denied the love from their mother and maternal family any longer. 

This situation can surely not be beneficial for anyone involved but the longer this goes on the more the mental and emotional damage is being cause to Beth and her boys. 

Please do the right thing and help. 

Kind regards

Beth Leventhall

Manchester England

Open Letter To Oskar Deutch : INCOMPREHENSIBLE

Dear Oskar,

As a mother myself, it is incomprehensible to understand the pain Beth has been going through over the past 10 years. The Manchester community was extremely saddened and concerned by the situation many years ago when it first started. Personally, I was shocked and horrified to learn this was still not rectified.

We have a responsibility to help a fellow Jew and Beth is most certainly a fellow Jew who needs all of our support. Ultimately, Sammy and Benji are the ones who have been denied their mother, and those years they will never be able to gain back. Please use your position to put pressure to the relevant people to ensure they don't lose any more precious days.

Sending this email is not in my comfort zone. But it is an indication of how much I respect Beth. Her strength of character, calm persona, friendliness and warmth are something to be admired. She is most definitely someone who deserves to be a mother to her children.

May Hashem bless you with the clarity, strength and resources to help a positive outcome to be reached for Beth and her boys. 

Kind regards,


Open Letter To Oskar Deutch : PUT AN END TO THIS SITUATION

Dear Mr Deutsch,

I refer to Beth Alexander, a young British woman and qualified lawyer, who has recently been forbidden by the Austrian courts to have any contact with her precious twin sons, Benjy and Sammy.  I am sure you are aware of the circumstances of her situation so I do not intend to repeat them here. 

As many others are doing, I am writing to you to you, also as a mother and an English qualified lawyer, to ask that you, as President of the Vienna Jewish Community, reach out to those in your community and do everything in your power to put an end to this utter travesty and reunite Beth with her sons. 

Beth is from my home town of Manchester. I did not know her personally but we have mutual connections. She is a very bright, loving, wonderful mother who has so much love to give to her beautiful children. 

To deprive a child of a mother’s love is beyond cruel.  The longer this situation continues, the emotional damage caused to her sons risks becoming irreparable.  

The basis on which the twins’ father has alienated their mother is unfounded and false.  You must know in your heart and soul that the actions taken by the twins’ father is wrong.  

The boys’ barmitzvah is coming up. What a travesty if their mother cannot share their simcha, such an important milestone in a Jewish boy’s life. 

In your position of authority, you must now do all that you can to put an end to this situation. For Beth. For Benji and Sammy.  I dread to think of what lies ahead for the boys and Beth without this dreadful wrong being put right. 

I really hope and pray you will stand by Beth and her sons. I look forward to a positive outcome in the very near future. 

Yours sincerely,

Paula Margolis




Dear Mr Deutsch

I am emailing you regarding the tragic custody case of the Schlesinger family. It seems that it is a case of history repeating itself since Michael Schlesinger was denied contact with his father after his parents divorced, and now his children are bring denied a loving and close relationship with their mother.

Please put pressure on the Austrian Jewish community to do the right thing and to help a caring loving mother have regular and frequent access to her sons. The community should do everything they can to ostracise Michael and his mother for their wrongdoings. The United Kingdom have the best legal system in the world and this case would NEVER have had this outcome in the UK.

Just as communities pressurise men who refuse to give a 'get', for example ensure they never enter a shul, so should the community put the same amount of pressure on narcissistic people like Michael Schlesinger and his mother who have willingly denied these children of their basic human rights to have the best possible relationship with their mother.

Yours sincerely 

Chava Silverman 

Edgware, United Kingdom 


Dear President Deutsch

Will you be like Rabbi Mirvis in the UK who embodies the commandment to pursue justice at any cost? Will you show the rest of the world that there is indeed an influential voice in the Viennese Jewish Community who will bravely stand up for what is right, and grant Beth Alexander her children?

Or will you remain - like your peers in Vienna - a coward who does the bidding of the wealthy and/or influential families who have abused Beth by proxy for too long?

History and Hashem will judge you.

Yaffa Finkelstein

Ra'anana, Israel

Open Letter To Oskar Deutch : CRUELTY OF SUCH MAGNITUDE

Dear Mr Deutsch,

I studied at Cambridge University with Beth Alexander. I shared in the joy of her marriage and courageous move to Vienna in pursuit of love. And I shared, together with all the Anglo-Jewish community, in the unfolding horror of her separation from her sons. 

We know that the crime of separating tiny children from their mother could not be carried out by one person alone. We know that the legal system bear much responsibility in this. But we know as well that the Jewish community lives and breathes as one, and that no cruelty of this magnitude could be perpetuated within it for so many years if the community leadership stood up against it.

Please show some concern for your fellow Jews. Please take a stand against the alienation of Beth, a good, loving mother, from her children. 

Thank you for your attention.

Yours sincerely,

Jessica Sacks.

Open Letter To Oskar Deutch : SHOCKED

Dear Mr Deutsch.

I was shocked to hear that British born Beth Alexander is still forbidden to have any contact with her twin sons who are living with their father in the Vienna Jewish Community. 

Tonight I had yahrzeit for my late mother who volunteered for 70 years for WIZO. She was also a member of the Chief Rabbi’s Women in the Community committee in the UK, together with the wonderful late  Lord Rabbi Jonathan Sacks. When I lit the candle for my mother, I said a prayer for Beth and her sons. As a grandma of twins I can’t imagine the heartache that Beth and her family have been going through for so many years. 

How can any Jewish religious leaders or leaders and members of a Jewish community let this continue? My mother Shirley Berwin zl would be horrified to think that after all her hard work as Life Vice President of WIZO UK that a Jewish community could let this be happening in 2022. 

Please please do what you can to help this appalling situation and help Beth be reunited with her sons. She has already missed out on far too many years of their lives and they have missed out on having contact with their own mother,

Beth’s plight is being made public again after many of us were sure that she must have been reunited with her sons years ago. It is being publicised in the world media and on social media. Be assured that thousands of people including the Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis and many esteemed politicians are 100% behind Beth. 

I look forward to seeing a quick and positive outcome to our efforts globally to help Beth.


Anne Bechar



Dear Mr Deutsch,

I'm writing on behalf of Beth Alexander who has been fighting to regain access to her children.

I've known Beth for 20 years since we went to the same high school. Although I was a few years below her she was always sweet, quiet, dignified, and well liked in the school.

As a young mother myself now my heart goes out to her as she is being denied the right of every mother to see her own children and form a relationship with them.

We, as a community, beg you to intercede on her behalf and bring her suffering to a close.




I am emailing to respectfully request that you take a look at the situation with the Schlesinger twins and their parents with a set of fresh, objective eyes.

I understand that there are many sides to a story and many viewpoints. However, I can not understand how a mother with no history of physical or mentally abusing her children could be ripped from her children and refused any contact whatsoever. What could possibly warrant such a severe punishment? I am begging, on behalf of a devastated mother, to please reassess the Jewish community's stance on this matter.


Aliza Mayer

United States


Lieber Rabbiner Engelmayer, sehr geehrter Herr Deutsch

Wie Sie vielleicht schon gehört haben, ist die internationale jüdische Gemeinschaft empört über das Unrecht, was Beth Alexander angetan wurde.

Natürlich kenne ich nicht die genauen Details. Aber es gibt keinen Grund, ausser in sehr extremen Fällen, die Kinder von ihrer Mutter zu trennen. Einige meiner Freunde kennen Beth und schätzen sie für Ihre Freundlichkeit, Intelligenz und Mut.

Ich selbst bin Familienvater und bitte Sie inständig, Erbarmen mit Beth und ihren Kindern zu haben und Ihren Einfluss auf Michael Schlesinger geltend zu machen, damit er das einzig Menschliche und Richtige tut: Beth soll ihren Kindern eine Mutter sein dürfen.

Mit besten Grüssen

Jechezkel Frank


Open Letter To Oskar Deutch : STAINS ON YOUR COMMUNITY

Dear Mr Deutsch,

I am writing to you to express my concern over the plight of Beth Alexander.

As I'm sure you are aware, Beth has been separated from her sons for over a decade. No good reason has been given. This case is a serious miscarriage of justice that stains the reputation of your community.

As the president of the Vienna Jewish community, I implore you to put pressure on Mr Schlesinger so that he will allow Beth to be reunited with her boys without further delay.

Every loving mother deserves access to her children and all children should be given the opportunity to build a relationship with their mother.

Yours sincerely,

Rachel Alper

Open Letter To Oskar Deutch : IMPLORING YOU TO INTERVENE

Dear Mr Deutsch

I am emailing you from England to implore you to intervene to allow Beth Alexander full access to her sons, Sammy and Benjy Schlesinger.

Kind regards

Tracey Yardley


Dear Mr. Deutsch,

I have followed the story of these children for many years now. It is a truly heart-breaking situation. 

You are the leaders of your community and have the power to change the situation.

I have a simple question to ask you and all those in a position of authority in your community. Are you confident and comfortable that Ad 120 when you stand before your Creator and are asked if you acted in the best interests of these children you will be able to hold your heads up and say YES we honestly and genuinely considered what was best for these children? 

If cannot say this then there are two options: 

1. You don’t care – Oops. There is still time…. 

2. You haven’t fully considered it – in which case, I suggest you sit in a quiet room, consider and act accordingly. 

I genuinely pray for the sake of all the Neshamot involved that you make a true honest cheshbon hanefesh and act accordingly. 

Yours sincerely 

Irene Friedman 


Open Letter To Oskar Deutch : SHOW TRUE LEADERSHIP

Dear Mr. Deutsch,

My name is David Orenstein and I am from Israel originally from England.

I have known Beth Alexander since the age of 9 years old when my family moved from London to Manchester and I went to school with Beth. As a teenager, I was a joint madrich with Beth in Bnei Akiva, where we were personally challenged to lead a group of extremely rowdy young boys whilst still instilling within them meaning and a strong Jewish identity. I was always amazed how Beth, who was softly spoken could lead with love and care showing passion and true emotional intellect. Tools she had from a young age that would only be finer tuned to being a caring mother, dedicated to her children.

Unfortunately and painfully Beth has been denied this by a member of your community. As a medical professional as well as a citizen of Israel I have painfully seen too many times, cases where children have been denied a parent due to succumbing to illness or even worse been taken due to terrorism, and I have also seen the equally and possibly more tragic opposite where a parent has lost a child. I have also seen terrible effects of a bad divorce on children, torn in a battle not based on their best interests. I have learned first-hand that in all of these occurrences it is not sufficient to leave the families to "deal with it" internally, but its the responsibility of the community to get involved to make sure that all those involved are given their due rights, especially as those closest decisions are effected due to personal involvement. Children shouldn't be denied the love and access of a parent and visa versa, to many children and parents don't have that option, in the case of Beth with Sammy and Benjy, they do have the option, but that's unfairly in the controlling hands of your community member.

I call and turn to you as a leader, whether it's by choice or forced on you, to show true leadership in a difficult situation, and get involved for the sake of Beth, Sammy, and Benjy.

Please feel free to reach out with any assistance you might need.

Kind regards,

David Orenstein


Dear Mr Deutsch,

As President of the Vieneese Jewish community you have the power and influence to put an end to this miscarriage of justice which has taken place on your doorstep.

It is no longer acceptable for the community over which you preside to say “we don’t want to talk about it” or “it’s in the hands of the courts”. This line has gotten you and your community through the last 5 years when, broken and defeated Beth returned home without her boys.

Five years later she is anything but that. She is strong and courageous. She is a Jewish mother without her children who will not give up this fight and and now has an army of supporters behind her who will not retreat. They will just get louder and LOUDER until justice is done and her boys are returned to her.

So I appeal to you to please intervene and do something to help remove this deep stain your community has put on their name and their reputation. Don’t allow them to continue to be seen as people who support such a situation.

World Jewry is waiting to see what you do next.

Please do the right thing .

Kind Regards

Vikki Goldstein

Open Letter To Oskar Deutch : THE TRUTH NEEDS TO COME OUT

Dear Herr Deutsch,

I am writing as a friend of Beth Alexander, the mother of Samuel and Benjamin Schlesinger, who are now twelve years old and living in Vienna. Please will you do everything in your power to ensure that the facts are made clear in the story of how Beth was refused access to her sons. As I understand, decisions were made in Austrian courts that flew in the face of evidence that supported Beth's assertion that she was and remains a loving and conscientious mother. In order to achieve justice for her sons, the truth needs to come out. There needs to be an explanation as to why the court decision appears to have given more weight to very flimsy evidence supporting the boys' father's claim that their mother must be kept away from her sons. 

We cannot undo the past, but we can work for a better future. It cannot be good for the boys to be deprived of access to half of their family. Our communities, and the authorities, need to come together, so that a plan can be made for everyone to work in the best interests of these boys. 

Many thanks, best wishes,



Dear Mr Deutsch, 

I understand that you are aware of Beth's case at this point. I hope you can see that the multitude of messages are our best attempt to help Beth from afar. I believe that there must be some way to resolve her awful situation and that this is the first step forwards. 

As a mother of a 2 year old myself, my heart breaks for Beth having been separated from her children at such a vulnerable age. It is clear that Beth's goal is to give her children the best upbringing she can in a healthy home. This campaign is happening now, at a point where these boys are reaching teenage-hood, since it is clear that having their mother in their lives will be crucial for their healthy, stable development. 

I believe that with the right pressure, the custody decision can be re-examined. The Jewish community has a strong influence, and I ask that you do whatever is in your power to exert pressure for this to happen. I cannot imagine that the Jewish community would want to be held as complicit in continuing this unjust parental alienation. 

I am grateful in advance for all you can do to help. It is not too late for this horrific injustice to be corrected. I am writing from Israel as a fellow Jew trying to help a mother who has been struggling without communal support these past ten years. Jewish communities worldwide are urging you and your community to do the right thing for the sake of two innocent children. 

Best wishes,

Abi Cheirif