Monday, January 31, 2022

Open Letter To Oskar Deutch : THE TRUTH NEEDS TO COME OUT

Dear Herr Deutsch,

I am writing as a friend of Beth Alexander, the mother of Samuel and Benjamin Schlesinger, who are now twelve years old and living in Vienna. Please will you do everything in your power to ensure that the facts are made clear in the story of how Beth was refused access to her sons. As I understand, decisions were made in Austrian courts that flew in the face of evidence that supported Beth's assertion that she was and remains a loving and conscientious mother. In order to achieve justice for her sons, the truth needs to come out. There needs to be an explanation as to why the court decision appears to have given more weight to very flimsy evidence supporting the boys' father's claim that their mother must be kept away from her sons. 

We cannot undo the past, but we can work for a better future. It cannot be good for the boys to be deprived of access to half of their family. Our communities, and the authorities, need to come together, so that a plan can be made for everyone to work in the best interests of these boys. 

Many thanks, best wishes,


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