Monday, January 31, 2022

Open Letter To Oskar Deutsch : HORROR AND DESPONDENCY

Dear Mr Deutsch,

I write to you as part of a growing chorus of support for Beth Alexander regarding the deep injustice that has been done to her and her sons. I have known Beth since she was forced to abandon her life in Vienna and try to make a new one in London, without her sons. As a Jew and a father myself, I spend much of my time talking proudly about Jewish values and especially about the overriding care and concern we have for our children, the next generation.

I am a separated father and was forced to go through a difficult time in the UK family court, the result of which was that I became the main parent in my son's life. The UK has made great progress in rejecting the word "custody" in favour of words which reflect the fact that neither parent should have the "power" to control the other or to inflict parental alienation on their child/children.

No matter how messy and bruising the conflict between the parents, every parent with any decency and moral compass knows that you must *never* alienate your kids from the less present parent. If the non-Jews now realise this, how much more so we Jews ?!

And yet to my horror and despondency, I have seen nothing but parental alienation, character assassination and sickening injustice inflicted on Beth Alexander and her sons. How can it be that a Jewish community, of all communities, allows this to happen? What kind of Chillul Hashem is this?

I urge you to listen to the many voices now crying out to you, as leader of the Viennese Jewish community, to take immediate action and put an end to so much unnecessary suffering and damage.


Robert Dwek

London, UK

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