Monday, January 31, 2022

Open Letter To Oskar Deutsch : STILL A CHANCE FOR THE FUTURE

Dear Mr Oskar Deutsch, 

My name is Heidi Lazarus, originally from Glasgow, Scotland but now living in Israel. 36 years ago, when I was just 6 years old my mother sadly passed away after a short fight with cancer. 

My amazing father was left at age 38 to raise me and my 2 brothers and thankfully he did a great job. We grew up in a loving family surrounded by people who wanted the best for us. 

I grew up however, with a longing for a mother I did not know or have much memory of. At key events, my bat mitzvah, my brother's bar mitzvah, our weddings, there was always something missing. It was only when I became a mother myself did I realize what a huge loss and trauma I had been through. My brothers felt the same and went through their own challenging journeys at various times. 

I'm writing to you with utter sadness that there are two young boys in your community, Benjy and Sammy Schlesinger, about to be bar mitzvah, who have been deprived of that motherly love for so many years. No child should be without a mother, let alone children who have a mother who wants to love and care for them, nurture them and support them as they grow and mature. The years past can never be given back but there is still a chance for the future. 

I am urging you from the bottom of my heart to get involved in the Beth Alexander case. I do not know Beth or the father of the boys. My only concern is for these two boys to have access to a loving parent. Please please help to reunite Sammy and Benjy with their mother. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this. 

Heidi Lazarus

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