Monday, January 31, 2022

Open Letter To Oskar Deutch : SHOW TRUE LEADERSHIP

Dear Mr. Deutsch,

My name is David Orenstein and I am from Israel originally from England.

I have known Beth Alexander since the age of 9 years old when my family moved from London to Manchester and I went to school with Beth. As a teenager, I was a joint madrich with Beth in Bnei Akiva, where we were personally challenged to lead a group of extremely rowdy young boys whilst still instilling within them meaning and a strong Jewish identity. I was always amazed how Beth, who was softly spoken could lead with love and care showing passion and true emotional intellect. Tools she had from a young age that would only be finer tuned to being a caring mother, dedicated to her children.

Unfortunately and painfully Beth has been denied this by a member of your community. As a medical professional as well as a citizen of Israel I have painfully seen too many times, cases where children have been denied a parent due to succumbing to illness or even worse been taken due to terrorism, and I have also seen the equally and possibly more tragic opposite where a parent has lost a child. I have also seen terrible effects of a bad divorce on children, torn in a battle not based on their best interests. I have learned first-hand that in all of these occurrences it is not sufficient to leave the families to "deal with it" internally, but its the responsibility of the community to get involved to make sure that all those involved are given their due rights, especially as those closest decisions are effected due to personal involvement. Children shouldn't be denied the love and access of a parent and visa versa, to many children and parents don't have that option, in the case of Beth with Sammy and Benjy, they do have the option, but that's unfairly in the controlling hands of your community member.

I call and turn to you as a leader, whether it's by choice or forced on you, to show true leadership in a difficult situation, and get involved for the sake of Beth, Sammy, and Benjy.

Please feel free to reach out with any assistance you might need.

Kind regards,

David Orenstein

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