Monday, January 31, 2022

Open Letter To Oskar Deutsch : ASHAMED AND DISAPPOINTED

Dear Mr Deutsch,

I am the grand daughter of the late Charlotte Kohn who grew up in Berndorf, Austria. If it were not for the horrors of the Holocaust I would very likely be a member of your Jewish community in Vienna. Yet today, I am ashamed and disappointed by the inaction of that community which is abetting a father who has alienated his children from their mother. How sick.

I am heartbroken to have learned of the plight of an ordinary young woman from Manchester who has been denied a normal relationship with her sons. How under any circumstances can the Austrian Jewish Community welcome a man who is unable to prioritise the needs of his children? It takes a selfish and cruel person to alienate children from a loving mother. Most separating parents do everything to avoid harming their children but Mr Schlesinger is apparently happy for the children to be collateral damage in the twisted punishment of his ex-wife. Whilst unjust decisions have been made by the Austrian courts (and these may be hard to overturn), it seems within the power of the Austrian Jewish community to speak out and help the children to see their mum. This would not break the law. In virtually no circumstances should a mother be separated from their children – even those who are dangerous or extremely unstable are normally encouraged to maintain contact. Beth, is most evidently, a normal, loving and law-abiding person and not a deranged criminal. What is going on? I feel great shame towards the Austrian Jewish community for not speaking out in favour of the children. Just a statement to say that this loving mother ought to see her children frequently may help. Community leaders must get involved in facilitating this.

As I understand the father seems to have suffered childhood trauma himself which has affected his ability to appreciate that keeping the boys away from their mother is abnormal and disturbing. How sad for transgenerational abuse to continue. Surely you would not want a daughter or son of yours to be separated from their children – under any circumstances.


Please act now to stop this Chillul Hashem.


Yours sincerely,

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