Friday, February 25, 2022

Open Letter To Oskar Deutsch : WHAT ARE THE REASONS FOR THIS?

Dear Herr Deutsch

I learned about the distressing situation of Beth Alexander's custody issues 10 years ago when I was heavily pregnant with my eldest child. I have thought of Beth often since then as I have been able to mark my babies' milestones.  Every time that I think her situation cannot get any more upsetting, it does. Before I was a mother I couldn't understand how anyone could be so vindictive to keep a clearly loving mother away from their children. Now that I am a parent I do not know how Beth continues to live with the cruelty that is inflicted upon her. I find it unfathomable how an entire community can ostracise Beth and will not support a clearly intelligent, kind and loving mother to be with her children. Please could you share with me what the reasons are for this?

All that it takes for evil to triumph is that good men stand by and watch. I do not wish to be a bystander and I would hope that neither do you. Please do what you can to support Beth to be present in Sammy and Benji's lives.

Yours sincerely
Helen Cahill

#OpenLettersToDeutsch #ReunitingBethWithHerSons

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