Thursday, February 17, 2022


Dear Mr Deutsch,

Judaism has a dedication to the ideal of justice. The moral imperatives of justice, ethics and morality were taught by the Torah and the Jewish prophets, as religious obligations. As Jews, therefore, we have a moral responsibility and duty to making the world a more just and righteous place.

I assume, from reading the IKG website, that all operations and objectives of the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien - of which you are President - are based on Jewish values and Torah principles. For example, with regard to donations, this is what the website states:

'Giving is deeply rooted in Judaism. Tzedakah (righteousness) is the Jewish approach against poverty. However, it's not just about mercy but also an appeal for social responsibility.'
'The concept of "tikkun olam" (repairing the world) is one of the guiding principles of Judaism.'

'Fundraising builds bridges between people and brings them together.'

1. How has the IKG  applied the concepts of  'mercy' and 'social responsibility' to Beth Alexander and her children, Sami and Benji?
2. How has the IKG applied the concept of 'tikkun olam' -  'one of the guiding principles of Judaism' -  to Beth and her children? What has the IKG done to 'repair' this gross injustice and help reunite Beth with her children?
3. What fundraising has the IKG organised to bring  together Beth and her children?

Judaism place huge significance on the role of a Jewish mother to raise her children in accordance with the Torah and Jewish values.

Moreover, how we treat the weakest in our midst (the “widow” and “orphan,” to use the Torah’s language) is still the irreplaceable core of our identity. Beth and her children are the 'weakest in our midst' : a lone woman, helpless and powerless, pitted against a powerful and corrupt system that has deprived her of her children and her children of their mother. 

I do not know what influence - if any - the IKG has on court proceedings. However, I do know that a gross injustice has been done to Beth and her children and that it is incumbent on the IKG to act on the Jewish values it purports to support. As you are aware, it has been ten years since Beth has been denied custody of her children. Enough is enough now. Regardless of what has gone on in the past, the IKG should now do everything within its power to right this travesty of justice and join the campaign to return the children to Beth's full custody.

Tzedek, tzedek tirdof / צֶ֥דֶק צֶ֖דֶק תִּרְדֹּ֑ף  
Justice, justice thou shalt pursue.

Deuteronomy 16:20

#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons

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