Monday, February 21, 2022

Open Letter To Oskar Deutsch : DO NOT SIT IDLY BY

Dear Mr Deutsch,

I know by now you have received thousands upon thousands of emails, letters and pleas to help right this gargantuan wrong that has been imposed on Beth, Sammy and Benji. Nothing can change the past, and the precious moments these 3 beautiful souls have missed out on together, but there is most certainly a way to rectify this for their future, and restore normality by reuniting Beth with her twin boys.

Having known Beth (and some of her family) for well over a decade now, I have seen first hand the warm, loving, well intentioned and supportive family she comes from. The atrocities Beth and her sons have had to face are just beyond heart-breaking, and beyond disgust. Not only have these two innocent boys been denied their mothers love, care, kindness and affection, during the most influential times of their childhood, but the grandiose misconduct of the Austrian community is perpetuating this malicious injustice and allowing it to continue, real-time, present day. Why, when it is within your power and abilities to put this horrendous and hurtful prejudice to an end – why do you let it continue and furthermore support it going forward? What did Sammy and Benji do to deserve this unfortunate sentence on their lives?

The strength and determination Beth has shown throughout this harrowing ordeal, where so many others would have given up by now, is further testament to the undying, constant and consistent love she feels for her sons, and a drive that only a mothers instinctual, innate love can sustain. My heart bleeds for what Beth has had to go through, as well as all she has missed. No amount of time or money could ever furnish Beth or her boys with the lost moments, smiles, bedtime stories and carefree days in the park they’ve been robbed of – however I beg you – please do not let this continue. Please do not let these two boys grow up without their mother in their lives.

Please do not let this wonderful mother continue to suffer without her own children, and please do not continue to give the rest of the world another reason to hate the jews. This chillul Hashem from within our own needs to stop now. Please Mr Deutsch, Mr Lauder (and all others that stand idly by) – please take action now so that no further harm/damage comes to this family.

People the world over have expressed their complete confusion as to how this ever happened and got this far, and have voiced their amazement at the injustice, misconduct and outright corruption going on within this case.  

Beth is a warm-hearted, loving, kind and intelligent woman and friend – however as a mother – it goes even further. She aches for her babies (who are now not even babies/toddlers anymore) and as she yearns for her children, even convicted felons in prison get to see theirs. Why is a warm, loving, homely, caring mother being denied access to her own family? Especially when the good it can bring to the children’s lives, the children’s well-being and the children’s future should be the main focus here. The community has robbed them of so much already – please step in, as we all know you can and should.

This is the most heart-breaking case of injustice and human suffering that never needed to happen to begin with. Please Mr Deutsch – do not be complicit, please do not be complacent and if you have children of your own – and love and care for them even half as much as Beth loves her boys – please do not sit idly by and allow this situation to continue. Please Mr Deutsch, I beg you – act today and save 3 Jewish lives. Their fates rest in your hands.


#openletterstodeutsch #reunitingbethwithhersons

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