Tuesday, February 1, 2022





Sehr geeherte Herr Deutsch

Greetings from Israel! I hope that you are well in these strange pandemic times that we are living in.

I would write in German, but my German is rusty and I will better articulate the message I wish to send in English. Please accept my apologies for not expressing my thoughts in your native tongue.

I do not know whether you have children of your own, nieces, nephews, grandchildren and/or friends with children but what I do know for a fact is that you are human and I appeal now to your sense of humanity and better nature to help put an immediate stop to an ongoing injustice in this world which is occurring right before your very eyes.

You will by now be very familiar with the tragic situation of Beth Alexander and her twin boys and her decade-long struggle to attain a basic human right both for herself and for her twin sons who have suffered so much- the ability to be with and care for her children. The ability to live, laugh and love with her children and to create the strong relationships, bonds and foundations in life which the boys so deserve.

It matters not what has gone before, nor the acts or omissions of people in the Vienna Jewish community over which you preside. What matters now is that immediate action is required and it is not too late to right the wrong that has been perpetrated against Beth and her sons over numerous long years. It is no longer an option for you and your community to stand by idly and choose to ignore the situation and remain uninvolved. 

No child should be without its mother. The tragedy in this case is that Sammy and Benji’s mother is alive and well, sane, healthy, willing and capable, loving and nurturing. There is no reason in the world why these boys should be denied the bond and love and care they so deserve from Beth and with every day that passes, as your community allows this heart-wrenching separation to continue, precious time and memories that cannot be replaced are sadly lost forever. Please do not let another day go by when these boys are torn apart and alienated from their loving mother!

Please Herr Deutsch, as a man of integrity and values, as a man of high standing, as a man who is respected and as a Jewish man who upholds Jewish values and the importance of justice in this world, I urge you to step up and step forward and make your voice heard now. Please cry out against this terrible injustice and help in the mitzvah of righting a wrong where such righting is long overdue! Please involve yourself in this case and exert your power to bring about a fair and proper outcome and reunion for Beth and her boys.

I and thousands of others eagerly await your response and your action. The whole world is watching.

Kind regards,

Natalie Seeff

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